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Quick model request: ladder doodad

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Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
Hey everyone,

I've just been looking everywhere for a ladder model to use as a doodad, and the only ones I could find were the "OinkerCly" ones hosted here. Unfortunately, all of his models have a ridiculous file size - 150kb+, when really a simple model like this should be 5-10kb.

My map is approaching the maximum size for b.net already, and I really need a model of a ladder I could use as a doodad. I was hoping someone could just quickly throw one up; it seems like a pretty easy, useful resource.
Level 34
May 1, 2008
Hmm... why don't you make ladder with putting doodad onto doodad, y'know... construct the ladder by yourself using more doodads.
And don't forget that:
"Ctrl" + "Page Up" = Raise doodad's high level
"Ctrl" + "Page down" = Lower doodad's high level

EDIT: this is just a recomendation, if there's no one who wants to make your request. I would like to, if I could just only know how to. ^^
Level 3
Aug 3, 2008
Hm, that's not a bad idea - I made a ladder using small fences and it looks allright, although it's pretty fat. Thanks everyone.
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