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[Trigger] quick leak check

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Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
  • Heros Cant Cast
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    • Conditions
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Ability Pick 1 <gen> contains (Triggering unit)) Equal to True
          • (Ability Pick 2 <gen> contains (Triggering unit)) Equal to True
      • (Ability being cast) Not equal to Color Change
      • (Ability being cast) Not equal to Blink pet/peasant
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Stop
im wondering if there is a region or point leak every time a spell is casted by any unit because obviously this trigger would be checking everytime for the condition..
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