Im making a random item generator and a key trait of the generator would be to scale the values that it puts out to a graph
so lets say you have 3 numbers
number A is the minimum, 20
number B is the maximum, 100
number C determines the rarity of numberB to numberC. If number C is 0.5, than number A will show up twice as much as number B. If number C is 2, than number B will show up twice as much as number A. (This also applies to all numbers inbetween, e.g. 60 will show up 1.5x as much as number A)
so lets say you have 3 numbers
number A is the minimum, 20
number B is the maximum, 100
number C determines the rarity of numberB to numberC. If number C is 0.5, than number A will show up twice as much as number B. If number C is 2, than number B will show up twice as much as number A. (This also applies to all numbers inbetween, e.g. 60 will show up 1.5x as much as number A)