Hi, this is my first skin for w3. It is a small pygmy shaman from the jungle, I hope it will be useful to someone. It is 100% my own work (no CnP or googled textures, nor special brushes of any kind). I think that there aren't so many skins for this particular unit so it may be a nice move to create some
Any hints and advices will be highly appropriate. If something in my English is wrong - please tell me, I'm still learning.
Thank you, and enjoy
BTW - if you're gonna use this anywhere, please give me credits
Updates: v1.4 - less muscle-packed, no "ribcage-sixpack", better back, added grass collar around the neck, few little tweaks, fixed yellow spots on the fists, more defined face and body lines, smoother face, improved grass collar, slightly retouched hairs.
Pygmy, tribe, tribesman, villager, little, jungle, voodoo, bokor, houngan, hoodoo, cannibal, cannibalism, carribean cocoa, coconut, warrior.