• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Level 7
Jul 29, 2007
When you type the message, pop up a dialog showing players name.

When the triggering player click the button, set them to treat each other as enemy.

Finally when one's hero was killed, set them both back to ally.

Is that what you meant oziris.
Level 8
Aug 11, 2007
The Trigger

Trigger 1
  • Player enters string -pvp as an exact match
  • "Battle Begin" = False
  • Create dialog button for "PVP Message" label player name of red player
  • Set "Dialog button 1" = last created dialog button
  • Do the same of any player
  • Show "PVP Message"
Trigger 2
  • A player clicks a dialog button
  • Clicked dialog button = "Dialog button 1" (That's for the red one)
  • Make triggering player treat player 1 as an enemy.
  • Set triggering player = "Challanger"
  • Set player 1 = "Challanged"
  • Make player 1 treat triggering player as an enemy.
  • Set "Battle begin" = true
Do the same for the other players

Trigger 3
  • A generic unit dies
  • "Challanger" = owner of dying unit
  • "Challanged" = owner of dying unit
  • Make "Challanger" treat "Challanged" as an ally
  • Make "Challanged" treat "Challanger" as an ally
  • Set "Battle Begin" = False
  • set "challanger" = no player
  • set "challanged" = no player
That should do it. If there are any bugs, sorry, my WE isn't opened.
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