Played it a little bit. So, here's a bit of a review:
1.) Lack of Strategy
- I don't see any point at which strategy can be placed in this map. I played the Goblin race and seeing the two upgrade capabilities of the goblin droid, I just did a makeshift testudo formation with enough goblin titans and rocket droids, randomly clicked whatever was available to upgrade in the buildings I built and I lived very well. [
screenshot] But I kinda died off in Round 15. That's just hell impossible even when I'm in full-time support with the alchemist and the tinker. I mean those hydras MULTIPLY you know that!?
2.) Annoying Feature
- Please don't teleport a unit that strays outside the player's region. That's really annoying. I even had a few units stuck there surrounded by a few buildings.
3.) Way too Good yet Annoying Feature
- That full heal feature after each round? It revives my units. I couldn't build new unit types because these old units just won't dies off.
4.) Object editor much?
- Abilities are object editor stuff with increased power. Also, there are abilities that do not have cooldowns? Are these intentional? If it is, then I request a nerf. Alchemist could just keep on healing my units on and on and on. And I just have to keep him supplied with mana.
5.) What's the point?
Pussy (1 player), 50% dmg/hp/atksp/def
Noob (1 - 2 Players), 100% dmg/hp/atksp/def
Normal (1 - 3 Players), 125% dmg, 150% hp, 110% atksp/def
Experienced (2 - 4 Players), 150% dmg, 200% hp, 120% atksp/def
Elite (5 - 7 Players), 175% dmg, 250% hp, 130% atksp/def
Bold (6 - 8 Good Players), 200% dmg, 300% hp, 140% atksp/def
Over Confident (8 - 10 Good Players), 250% dmg, 300% hp, 150% atksp, 200% def
Suicidal (9 - 10 Excellent Players), 300% dmg, 400% hp, 160% atksp, 300% def
- I really don't see the point in recommending multiple players in higher difficulties if they're just going to be surviving solo? I was looking forward to something with teamplay and not some more difficult solo play.
6.) I'm Rich!! Well... What do I do now?
- Once you finish the upgrades and build everything, You don't have any more use for money except for gambling since units get revived every end of the round. :/
7.) Where did that button go?
- Whenever you upgrade stuff ingame, the icon of the upgrade disappears right? So, the other upgrade with the same button position will be moved to that section. That sir, is quite annoying. I suggest you fix that. said:
As raw data "UnButtonpos"
"Art- Button Position - Turn Off (X)" Determines ability button position in column when ability is autocastable (4 columns, starting from left as 0, 1, 2, 3.).
As raw data "Unbuttonpos"
"Art- Button Position - Turn Off (Y)" Determines ability button position in row when ability is autocastable (3 rows, starting from up to down as 0, 1, 2.).
NOTE: Picture from World Editor Tutorials (Credits to Darg),
8.)What did I win?
- When I gamble (I hope I won't say that in real life), I usually win back my money and some interest. But I never know what I actually get. Did I win back my money and an extra 1 gold? or did I win a million gold and my money back? I suggest showing the exact details of the prize whenever you finish gambling.
9.)Hey, what's next?
- Please remove that reminder that warns the players about invisible units every damned round. Some people would assume that the next round would have invisible units. (Just like me when the game just started. Then I learned to ignore it.)
10.) I wanna cross the borders!!!!
- If you don't want units of players straying onto other people's lawn, you could just surround each player with boundaries (That black shadow thing that surrounds the map) and just make their spaces huge so that there will be place to spawn the creeps.
11.) food, Food, FOOD!
- Could you increase the maximum food limit? Or make it so that the player can increase it through some research or something? Or much better if you stop reviving my old units so that I can build new ones.
1.) No man is an island!~
- I suggest promoting team play more and not make each player survive alone. Here's what I think: Make all players defend one great castle. But each have their own mini castle to defend as well. When their mini-castle dies, their buildings/units are set to neutral and invulnerable until their castle gets revived a few moments later. Whenever their castle dies, some of the Big castle's life will be taken away and thus encouraging the players to do team play and defend their own castles as well.
- They could surround this huge castle and their starting locations will be placed equally on the sides of the castle. If the player is alone, he will be randomly placed around the huge castle. If there are two players, they would be placed at opposite sides of the big castle.. etc..
2.) They're everywhere!!
- Make the creeps spawn from different directions. Imagine the castle in the middle and the creeps would just be spawned randomly around that castle from a distance. That would definitely encourage a more strategic placing of units instead of the testudo formation I did in this version.
3.) Co-op, Co-op, CO-OP
- I forgot the rest of my suggestions. Just hear me out. Focus on the team play of the game. Right now, it's like each player is playing a map in single player while he can chat with his friends or see them lose in their game.
That's all. My suggestions were erased from my memory halfway of all this text. Rated 3/5. Good map. Keep it up.
EDIT: BTW, I was playing on experienced difficulty.