It sounds like an FT map but if a RoC version were made I'd be happy.
I've been in a few real arena style rpg's this is the design for a recent one I was in.
0 - start positions team 1
X - start positions team 2
P - Tunnel to Dungeon of Fire
T - Trees
W - Shallow Water
Flying heroes - Can't be hit by ground units unless they are attacked by ranged or if they attack a ground unit. Which would be an attack equivalent action of using the -down command.
Special: Can be attacked by ground units that are oversized or in Avatar form.
Flying heroes can type -up to get into the air avoid melee attacks from ground units.
Flying heroes can type -down to fly down and fight heroes and ground units.
Flying Heroes are generally weaker overall than ground units but do have more evasion + speed than anyone else.
Don't use the premade hero units that everyone's borrowed 1001 times. Go the extra, extra miles and have all new heroes created for the map, or edit pre-existing ones so that they look different enough not be immediately recognized.
The tunnel was long and led to a Dungeon of Fire, with pools of lava that had to be carefully trasversed, Belthazar Demons from LOTR roamed these lava pools and their pathways. Although weak and only illusions they terrified all who dared fight in the fire arena.
Carefully skirting the deadly pools of lava a hero could then find themselves in a confusing prismatic water world filled with exotic but deadly fish.
This seaworld arena led to another one. A place of darkness and void, where only a thin invisible path could be followed through.
Heroes with flight capacity could fly through it, the same as those who could see where they were going. (requires Gem of True Seeing)
All though would take 4 hp of damage per 1 second of being exposed to the area, for the area itself was the stuff of pure vaccum. This vaccum area with the pathway wrapped around itself for 3 levels, before opening up into another cave that led into a forest of pure green.
At the end of this, was a gentle-seeming garden of plants, but many were poisonous, and the Lord of the Forest a Unicorn, would not take kindly to any intrusions. The horn of a unicorn though is potent enough healing for any hero willing to brave the journey. The unicorn pool is also potent enough to heal any injury, even poison.