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Projective Creations

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I am beginning a new project on the Warcraft III World Editor and was wondering if anyone were to give me any educated tips on anything relating to a somewhat Hero Arena game. Although my project will divert greatly, i am just looking for a startpoint as far as attempting to host my future product. Because i have a modem area connection i am limited to hosting games on Warcraft III Frozen Throne, but i am wondering if Internet Hosting would work more suficiently.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
do you mean ideas so it works a good playable online game?

really what you need to do is set out what your map does and then ask question about if its would work on an online basis.

things like, will it cause lag?

will the idea be intresting and effective?

thse are just general but you can make it more specific, for example, if u have a hero selection system (tho this is basic so u wont need to think about it much) you would ask questions like

will it be easy to understand?
will it fit well on the playable map area?




Well, my project will basically relate to the concept of a Hero arena, in some respects anyways. 8 players, on 2 teams of 4 players will select 1 of 23 heroes in which to control. The map itself will look very diverse from the Hero Arena, however every few minutes heroes will be gathered around a colosseum to watch the 2 most worthy players battle. The last man standing will recieve a point for his force. Corresponding with this event there are two gameplay modes in which player red may choose. One requires an amount of points to win the game, and one requires a time limit in which the winner must have the most points at the end of the time expiration. This is the main conecpt of the game, but there will be many other extras in which the players of the game may participate in.

If you wish me to include anything else then please notify, but i'd preffer to hold of on changes to your admirations until after the Beta has been released.
Level 7
Apr 29, 2005
so it will be a little bit like angel arena. omg i cant play the game because when i start playing i cant stop. btw hi mate




I really like your idea GST_Nemisis, but give a more detailed insight and ill see what i can do with it. 8)
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
well, i think it would be good if there was a way of losing points aswell as making them, so a good idea would be to have creeps or bosses that appear outsite the arena. the bosses might to a certain place (a town or a village for example) and if it reaches thereyou lose a point (because innocent people have been killed). now i dont know what the story of your arena is, but a was of losing and gaining point would make it more dynamic. a clever thing to do would be a system like tennis.

what i mean is game - set - match. so you get point that ad up to a game (say points for damage inflicted against an opponent in the arena) then if they get a certain amount of points they get game. then point revert. also you get 1 game for winning. then you have to get 3 games (in your team) for a set. then you need 3 sets to win. this mean it is as if the game starts again every few round and the other team will never be really far behind. should make for close intresting games but still allow players with skill to win. also instead of one team being really far behind they will always be able to catch up again.




I see what you're saying, but i still have to think if its possible to add that to the map. Anyways ill do what i can. Check in to the Carnage Update Information Center from time to time. It will tell you what i have accomplished as of yet on my project.




I see. Well in the maping i have already strategically created four spawning regions on the top right, top left, bottem left, and bottem right, so that every few minutes i am thinking the spectator will say something like: You have rendered the territorial critters enraged and they are gathering hordes to attack you, and with that said, many creatures will work their way into you base. It's still in progress but i think that if the monsters reach your headquarters then you should lose points. Lesser bosses have been added in four different regions as well, and Greater Bosses will appear in the middle every few minutes, but i would say teamwork with your allies will be more helpful than an individual to defeat them. It is all an idea, but i think it will be a useful aspect of the game itself. Please notify me if you have any concerns.




I am also formulating the system to serve as the Battle Colosseum in which two of heroes with the most bounty points (recieved by killing enemy heroes) will be drawn into the arena to bout. The other remaining will gather around the colosseum to watch their team leaders in combat. If anyone has any tips on this particular subject let me know.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
I think that in such maps where it's always the most powerful heros battling it's kinda cheat cause the other players are locked while these two get even more experience. What about making it so the most powerful get to battle and after that it's the rest against eachother I mean ALL players except for the most powerful two. That could be cool!




Hmm...thats not a bad idea, maybe i can make use of it somewhere, but defintely a battle between all players.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
When I try to think of how you will make your map, I think of a forest with a round colloseum(whateva) in the middle and people can enter it but no one's there. Then when the battle thing comes, players are standing (paused) on the walls looking at the two fighters. There should also be gates that closes when battle begins.
Everywhere around there are lakes, trees, mountains and caves...
Level 9
Jul 1, 2005
Like the Matrix map! Only it's players fighting each other and creeps, and perhaps not quite so many creeps.

Is this RoC or FT?

Do you have a theme yet?
If not, would you consider letting me do theme?

I have a theme idea (completely ninjutsu style) for a map. But no original map to do it on. I didn't want to use the much used original Arena map.

But if u do an entirely different arena, that would work.




I am going to give everyone a rundown on the project itself just so everyone has an idea on whats to be expected, but keep in mind that this is only a Zero Version (not an official version) and the Beta will be released after everyone gives me some feedback, as far as what to change or enforce.
- Heroes in this version = 20 Heroes
- 4 Abilities per hero, including an ability I name Enforcement, which increases your respective hero's attributes; This ability is including throughout every hero.
- Hero Selection will take place at the bottom right of the map.
- 8 Players (4-8 Suggested Players).
- The Official Colosseum Arena is at the top right.
- Critters will be scattered throughout the map, at first they are weak as your hero might be and they increase in physical integrity.
- Bosses will be summoned in the 4 Boss Regions to the top right, top left, bottem right, and bottem left of the Center Arena. Unique Bosses will be summoned in the Center Arena occasionally, which will drop a random item of 3.
Official Colosseum Arena
- 2 battles will take place here at set times throughout the game. A battle consisting of the two Heroes with the most bounty points, and a battle consisting of all in-game players.
- Whoever wins the first battle will grant their team a score addition of 5 and whoever kills an enemy hero in the second battle will grant their team a score addition of 1. Whichever team wins the second battle will also grant its players a score addition of 5.
Combat Modes
- In the beginning of the game, Player 1 (Red) will choose one of two Combat Modes.
( 1 ) Team Score Limit = A Score Limit of 28 or 42.
( 2 ) Explicit Time Limit = Time Limit of 30 or 60 Minutes.
- When Team Score Limit is selected players will take victory when they have reached the selected score limit. When Explicit Time Limit is selected players will take victory when they have more score than the other team when the set timer has expired.
- Finished Heroes - Grim Minion, Dark Pirate, Senior Admiral, Quiggor, Legionist, Kaiser, Naga. These are a few of the finished heroes that i have completed in my project as of yet.

A release date has not yet been set, but i would expect anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks. If you have any questions please notify me, and as for changes to the map i would greatly appreciate if you held it until the release of the Zero Version. Thank You.
Level 9
Jul 1, 2005
It sounds like an FT map but if a RoC version were made I'd be happy. :)

I've been in a few real arena style rpg's this is the design for a recent one I was in.

0 - start positions team 1
X - start positions team 2
P - Tunnel to Dungeon of Fire
T - Trees
W - Shallow Water



Flying heroes - Can't be hit by ground units unless they are attacked by ranged or if they attack a ground unit. Which would be an attack equivalent action of using the -down command.

Special: Can be attacked by ground units that are oversized or in Avatar form.

Flying heroes can type -up to get into the air avoid melee attacks from ground units.

Flying heroes can type -down to fly down and fight heroes and ground units.

Flying Heroes are generally weaker overall than ground units but do have more evasion + speed than anyone else.

Don't use the premade hero units that everyone's borrowed 1001 times. Go the extra, extra miles and have all new heroes created for the map, or edit pre-existing ones so that they look different enough not be immediately recognized.

The tunnel was long and led to a Dungeon of Fire, with pools of lava that had to be carefully trasversed, Belthazar Demons from LOTR roamed these lava pools and their pathways. Although weak and only illusions they terrified all who dared fight in the fire arena.

Carefully skirting the deadly pools of lava a hero could then find themselves in a confusing prismatic water world filled with exotic but deadly fish.

This seaworld arena led to another one. A place of darkness and void, where only a thin invisible path could be followed through.

Heroes with flight capacity could fly through it, the same as those who could see where they were going. (requires Gem of True Seeing)
All though would take 4 hp of damage per 1 second of being exposed to the area, for the area itself was the stuff of pure vaccum. This vaccum area with the pathway wrapped around itself for 3 levels, before opening up into another cave that led into a forest of pure green.

At the end of this, was a gentle-seeming garden of plants, but many were poisonous, and the Lord of the Forest a Unicorn, would not take kindly to any intrusions. The horn of a unicorn though is potent enough healing for any hero willing to brave the journey. The unicorn pool is also potent enough to heal any injury, even poison.
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