Basicly I'm making a toss spell, which takes a target (allied unit) and tosses it forward. I was thinking of using the formula: Height = 400-x², so my target would reach a height of 400 (variable x goes from -20 to 20) So what I did so far was this:
BeetleKingTossVariableX is the x variable in my formula op there. The trigger turned on for 2 seconds is this:
Ok well I hope it's a bit clear.. I've ran into a problem first that it didn't want to get airborn, so I searched and found that I should use the crow form ability, which I did. But now all it does is the normal move towards it's location. For the rest I found a lot of topics requestion help with toss.. but the response was that they should use search, which doesn't help me at all :S . I hope someone can help me, thanks in advance.
Edit: I also have no clue what that last number does in the animation - set flying height. The rate, I guess the problem would be there.. but I just randomly set it to 2, and it did the same as when it was set to 1; which is nothing.
Beetle KingToss
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Toss
Set BeetleKingTossDirection = (Angle from (Position of (Casting unit)) to (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast)))
Set BeetleKingTossedUnit = (Target unit of ability being cast)
Set BeetleKingTossDistance = (Random real number between 500.00 and 700.00)
Set BeetleKingTossVariableX = -20.00
Unit - Add Crow Form to BeetleKingTossedUnit
Trigger - Turn on Beetle KingTossing <gen>
Wait 2.00 seconds
Trigger - Turn off Beetle KingTossing <gen>
Unit - Remove Crow Form from BeetleKingTossedUnit
Set BeetleKingTossDirection = 0.00
Set BeetleKingTossedUnit = No unit
Set BeetleKingTossDistance = 0.00
Set BeetleKingTossVariableX = 0.00
BeetleKingTossVariableX is the x variable in my formula op there. The trigger turned on for 2 seconds is this:
Beetle KingTossing
Time - Every 0.01 seconds of game time
Set BeetleKingTossVariableX = (BeetleKingTossVariableX + 0.20)
Unit - Move BeetleKingTossedUnit instantly to ((Position of BeetleKingTossedUnit) offset by (BeetleKingTossDistance / 200.00) towards BeetleKingTossDirection degrees)
Animation - Change BeetleKingTossedUnit flying height to (400.00 - (Power(BeetleKingTossVariableX, 2.00))) at 2.00
Ok well I hope it's a bit clear.. I've ran into a problem first that it didn't want to get airborn, so I searched and found that I should use the crow form ability, which I did. But now all it does is the normal move towards it's location. For the rest I found a lot of topics requestion help with toss.. but the response was that they should use search, which doesn't help me at all :S . I hope someone can help me, thanks in advance.
Edit: I also have no clue what that last number does in the animation - set flying height. The rate, I guess the problem would be there.. but I just randomly set it to 2, and it did the same as when it was set to 1; which is nothing.