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Problems with the high res rocks

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Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
Yeah, so I'm working on a new terrain and I would really need those rocks now. I don't know what the problem is, but they don't work. They don't even work in the high res map pack itself, every other doodad works but not felswand, felsen1 and felsen2.

Anyone else had this kind of problem? I've been struggling with it for over an hour now. Anyone have a solution? Thanks.
Level 19
Oct 29, 2007
I'm gonna go ahead and guess you somehow changed the name of the file felswand.blp to something else than Textures\Felswand.BLP inside the import manager. If that is the case I suggest you rename the file to Textures\Felswand.BLP, if not then I don't have any idea what's wrong. : |
Level 10
Aug 22, 2008
Yes. I'm trying a thing now, I've deleted everything that has something to do with the rock, and I'm currently downloading the high res pack again, and I've also read a bit in the "how to import"-tutorial to refresh my memory. It says that you must close the world editor completely when importing, but I'm very sure that I have only closed and re-opened my maps before... Anyway I'm gonna see if this works, download complete soon.

Edit: YES! I got it working, but you don't need to restart the editor because I imported another thing too, and then I just closed and re-opened the map. Must have been something wrong with the files. Thanks anyway Megafyr.
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