Problems with Skrab Vehicle Models

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Level 6
Aug 12, 2007
Anyone else experiencing trouble with these models by skrab?


I can't get the Ambulance or Ford to show up in game no matter what I set the model or texture paths to. The Firetruck shows up if you set the model path to models\firetruck.mdx, but for some reason you can't select it at all without doing a click and drag.

Its real shame because they are visually really nice, I'd like to get them working if I can. Maybe I am just doing it wrong but I have never had these problems with many other imported models before.

If anyone can help me figure out what paths to set for everything (The ones in the txt file don't work), as well as why I can't select the Firetruck, that would be appreciated. I tried PMming skrab, still waiting for a reply.
Level 6
Aug 12, 2007
Follow the Import tutorial and the models will work ingame.
About selecting problems.. hmm there was a problem with BoundsRadius and I fixed that. I also attached a test map and you can export models from there.

Cool, thanks Skrab. I don't really get why the models don't show up in mine though, I followed the tutorial to the dot and I even have the same paths as yours.

Thanks a bunch though!
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