hi guys and thanks for your help
i was using File I/O to save data from players for my game,
but load sistem has a problem: global varibles loades only are saved for local player, so i have diferen values of the same global variable for each player, how i can fix it?
This is the load script (vjass)
the map is attached.
pd: sorry for my bad english
i was using File I/O to save data from players for my game,
but load sistem has a problem: global varibles loades only are saved for local player, so i have diferen values of the same global variable for each player, how i can fix it?
This is the load script (vjass)
struct Load extends array
private static string array data2
private static string array data1
private static string array datac
private static method checkData takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
local integer m = 0
local integer x = 0
local boolean fail = false
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,10, " Cheking Data")
if (data1[1] != null) then
set m = 0
set i = 0
set m = i - S2I (data2[10])//el loop - la clave
if (m <= -1)then
set m = m + 11
set datac[i] = data1[m]
set i = i + 1
exitwhen data1[i] == null
set i = 0
loop //CompareBackUp
set i = i + 1
exitwhen i == 10
if ( datac[i] != data2[i]) then
set fail = true
set i = 2
set m = 0
loop //Comprovar si el codigo fue alterado
set m = m + S2I(data2[i])
set i = i + 1
exitwhen i == 9
if (S2I(data2[i]) != m) then //Comprovar si el codigo fue alterado
set fail = true
if (fail == false) then
set x = GetConvertedPlayerId(GetLocalPlayer())
call DisplayTimedTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), 10.00,( GetPlayerName(GetLocalPlayer()) + " _PlayerID: "+ I2S(x)))
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,10," PlayerID: "+ I2S(x))
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,10," Loading...")
set udg_OldPlayer[x] = true
set udg_Stats_Name[x] = data2[0]
call SetPlayerStateBJ( ConvertedPlayer(x), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, S2I( data2[2]) ) //Gold
set udg_Stat_Player_Victory[x] = S2R( data2[3]) //wins
set udg_Stat_Player_defeats[x] = S2R( data2[4]) //loses
set udg_Stat_Player_Kills[x] = S2I( data2[5]) //kills
set udg_Stat_Player_Deads[x] = S2I( data2[6]) //deads
set udg_Stat_Player_Pre_points[x] = S2I( data2[7]) //Points
set udg_Stat_Player_Playedtime[x] = S2I( data2[8]) //Time
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60000,"Acount Loaded!")
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60000,"Your acount has been corrupted!")
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60000,"Your Acount has been reset")
set udg_OldPlayer[x] = false
call AdjustPlayerStateBJ( 550, GetLocalPlayer(), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD )
set udg_Stat_Player_Victory[x] = 1.00 //wins
set udg_Stat_Player_defeats[x] = 1.00 //loses
set udg_Stat_Player_Kills[x] = 0 //kills
set udg_Stat_Player_Deads[x] = 1 //deads
set udg_Stat_Player_Pre_points[x] = 10 //Points
set udg_Stat_Player_Playedtime[x] = 1 //Time
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,10,"New Player detected")
set udg_OldPlayer[x] = false
call AdjustPlayerStateBJ( 550, GetLocalPlayer(), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD )
set udg_Stat_Player_Victory[x] = 1.00 //wins
set udg_Stat_Player_defeats[x] = 1.00 //loses
set udg_Stat_Player_Kills[x] = 0 //kills
set udg_Stat_Player_Deads[x] = 1 //deads
set udg_Stat_Player_Pre_points[x] = 10 //Points
set udg_Stat_Player_Playedtime[x] = 1 //Time
set udg_Ava_Activated[x] = true //Help
private static method read takes nothing returns nothing
local File file = File.open("InfinitySquared", "InfinitySaved", File.Flag.READ)
local integer i = 0
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,10," Reading data ")
set data2[i] = file.read()
exitwhen null == data2[i]
set i = i + 1
call file.close()
private static method readcc takes nothing returns nothing
local File file = File.open("InfinitySquared", "InfinitySavedBackUp", File.Flag.READ)
local integer i = 0
set data1[i] = file.read()
exitwhen null == data1[i]
set i = i + 1
call file.close()
private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
if (not File.enabled) then
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60000,"You do not have local files enabled at the moment")
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60000,"To enable local files, please run: " + File.localFileScriptName)
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,10,"Loading Your Acount...")
call read()
call readcc()
call checkData()
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(),.1,false,function thistype.init)
the map is attached.
pd: sorry for my bad english