Problem with using texture

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Level 21
Feb 23, 2015
I'm making upgraded version of my Nerubian Stronghold but I have rather big problem. I wanted to use Icecrown Cliff texture, but it's hidden in I.mpq inside War3x.mpq. I have no idea how to use it - I've tried in magos but it didn't work - it can't open mpq inside mpq. I can use Icecrown Wall texture, but it has low quality, or I can just import Cliff texture with model, but importing something that's already in game is ridiculous for me.

I would be grateful for help :D.
Level 22
Sep 7, 2013
As far as i know, there are only two textures paths for cliffs:
- ReplaceableTextures\Cliff\Cliff0.blp
- ReplaceableTextures\Cliff\Cliff1.blp

The trick is that these cliff textures actually change depending on the map (usually cliff0 is the natural cliff and cliff1 is the city cliff).

So if your map is based on Icecrown terrain, you can use one of the two paths and it will work.
But if you import your model on a map based on another terrain (Outland for example) you will get the texture of Outland cliff instead.
Level 18
Aug 13, 2007
Yep, there is no way to use one tileset-specific cliff texture for all tilesets. But think about it - wouldn't be logical for your Nerubians to build stuff with the rock from the place they currently are, instead of importing Icecrown rocks? :D

Okay, I know that doesn't really help, but at least the RoC cliff texxtures are in the war3.mpq under ReplaceableTextures/Cliff. Maybe use some of them, like Underground walls?
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