I just started to create my own spells - so I´m new to spellmaking. my first project: the werewolf
I tried a night and day feature... (if it is night he automatically moves into the wolf-form)
I tried out
Event: "ingame time becomes 18.00"
Condition: none
Action:"replace unit with other unit (the wolf-form)"
So far it works... to switch them again i set
Event: "ingame time becomes 6.00"
Condition: none
Action:"replace unit with other unit (the normal form)"
I had to place the Normal hero form AND the wolf-form in the map to choose them as unit i want to replace. So i have 2 heros at the same time and if it becomes night the 1. one becomes wolf form and if it becomes day again the wolf-form hero, i placed in the map, changes to normal form.
I just want 1 hero who morphes to wolf form and back agint without loosing skilled spells, items, life points and so on...
omg plz help me
I just started to create my own spells - so I´m new to spellmaking. my first project: the werewolf
I tried a night and day feature... (if it is night he automatically moves into the wolf-form)
I tried out
Event: "ingame time becomes 18.00"
Condition: none
Action:"replace unit with other unit (the wolf-form)"
So far it works... to switch them again i set
Event: "ingame time becomes 6.00"
Condition: none
Action:"replace unit with other unit (the normal form)"
I had to place the Normal hero form AND the wolf-form in the map to choose them as unit i want to replace. So i have 2 heros at the same time and if it becomes night the 1. one becomes wolf form and if it becomes day again the wolf-form hero, i placed in the map, changes to normal form.
I just want 1 hero who morphes to wolf form and back agint without loosing skilled spells, items, life points and so on...
omg plz help me