19:19, 15th Mar 2014
SeedinAethyr;2465866 said:I've seen this map up for awhile, and because I've recently began liking altered melees, I decided to give this map a try.
Hello ModelStarcraft, I am reviewing your map Zerg Island. First of all, your description on the Hive is very lacking. You do not tell about the gameplay or state credits. Your screenshot would look nice if it was centered and started off your description. I suggest you look at the map description rules and modify your description to meet the criteria. Using a map description generator or using an appealing combination of BBCodes is advised, otherwise your map has a very low chance of being approved. I also suggest you rename the map file to match the actual name of the map.
The terrain is quite badly made and does not contain many doodads. You do use rolling shores, which is good, and you also use some tile variation, but other than that your terrain is quite bad. I really advise you to put many more doodads, and maybe have some more tile variation too.
You also only have one creep, a neutral hostile Drone which exists near the red player. You should make some actual creeps, and remove the drone. There is also another problem with your map. Each player starts with a Town Hall and workers. You should remove the melee initialization trigger so that this does not happen. Your balancing is pretty bad as well. Hives have a ridiculously low amount of health, Drones have more health than Zerglings, and Mutalisks have incredibly low damage. I like how units lifesteal, but it only occurs near the Hive. Is this intentional? Your units also have very bad and misleading tooltips, and the first part of the Mutalisk's tooltip is in a different language. You also didn't use capital letters when naming some of the units such as the "reine" and the "spawning pool". Some of those units don't even make sense; I don't understand how the spawning pool is related to the Zerg. I'm also not sure what a reine even is. The reine's idea is actually kinda cool though: it spawns eggs and creates creep tumours. The eggs are pretty cool, but I think that the eggs should be created much much slower and the Zerglings that spawn from them should not cost gold, and take longer to make. The creep tumours don't cost anything to make, and have a heal, which should be changed. I think the creep tumours shouldn't heal, and should give off blight and not give food. That brings me to another thing. None of the zerg structures generate blight, which means the Mutation Spore cannot be created. Your zerg techtree is also very simple, and isn't very fun to play. It's good that you have imported custom models, but you need to properly credit the creators.
I believe I have said most of the reasons why this map cannot be approved.
I currently vote for rejection.
However, I think this could be a very good map if many changes were made. I suggest making better terrain, making an AI for the Zerg, a much more complex Zerg techtree, more unique units, more balanced units, more units, and better tooltips.