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Potion - Leveling the ability

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Level 6
Feb 21, 2008
Its me! Again! And this time I searched:thumbs_up: But, I couldn't find any posts about this. Not with the key words I used atleast. My trigger: 1 Unit - Brewmaster starts the effect of an ability ** 2: Ability being cast equal to brewing ** 3: Create "name of the potion here" at "Center of a region I made wich is called brewing area" ** 4: pick every item in Brewing area and do hero give last created item to brewmaster. Well, this trigger works perfect. But, I cant figure out what triggers I should make if I learn brewing lvl 2 etc, like from 250 healing potion to 500. Thanks in advance! Ps: Hiveworkshop <3 fast answers and good explaining :thumbs_up:
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Instead of 3: Create "name of the potion here" at "Center of a region I made wich is called brewing area do:

3: If (level of Brewing on (Triggering unit) equal to 1 do:
Create "name of the level 1 potion (250 hp) here" at "Center of a region"
else If (level of Brewing on (Triggering unit) equal to 2 do:
Create "name of the level 2 potion (500 hp) here" at "Center of a region"
else ...
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