Info on my map
Heres a more detailed info about my RPG game:
1. Its a custom campaign game. (due to the sheer size of the map and the size of the game, it cannot be fitted onto a regular map.)
2. There are three "powers"- The Alliance, The Horde, and The Damned.
Alliance consists of these races: High Elves, Humans, Night Elves, Dwarves, and Titans.
Horde consists of these races: Orcs, Trolls, Taurens, Giants, Satyrs, (And possibly Naga...)
Damned consists of these races: Undead and Demons
3. Eace race will have at least 2 major cities, there will be smaller towns scattered acrossed the map. There are several nations, mostly between the races, but some races have many nations. (Ex: Humans have over 5 nations, some constantly at war with each other.)
4. The game itself is more free. It is an RPG, there will be many main quests and side quests to guide you to the story of the game, but there are everyday works you can do as well. (Mining, Lumbering, farming, etc.) Also randomly the nations will wage war against each other, which will effect your transportation between the nations in war. You may in these cases of war, decide to fight for one side and participate in the war, or decide to remain neutral.
5. To simulate a multiplayer environment, computer user heroes, NPCs will be walking around. Like the Warcraft WoW on this page, you can party with them to hunt.
6. Extended bag system to give you extra room with your items.
7. Extended skill book system, to give you more spells then just the limited 5. When the levels go higher and you're stuck with 5 skills, it can be frustrating.
8. High or unlimited Level Cap. This is almost going to be a never ending project. I'll keep adding more maps and more worlds onto in until I finally quit with WC. Items will also have level caps too, so your level will match the item's ability
9. Save/Load system to keep you going. Any RPG campaign without a save system is pointless.
10. Current plan is to finish the map first, then maybe look into a multiplayer map, where you can use your save codes, trade items, play team battles or do PvP. Of course this will be very last and I'd need a good save/load code that will be harder to crack...
***Currently need help with how to set up the defence system so your defence points knocks out the damage instead of reducing them (Ex: your defence:5 Enemy Attack: 10, 10-5=5 total damage recieved:5)
This is the plan for the RPG so far. Its going to be an massive project. I hope to release the first beta version in about a month or so, featuring the beginner's village and its surroundings + Some major quests. Thx for your inputs. Comments or suggestions are always welcomed. Thx