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[Plugin] FileIOPlayerNameSafety

I explained what this is for in the documentation below.

*   FileIOPlayerNameSafety
*   v1.1.0.0
*   By Magtheridon96
*   - This plugin evaluates player names to ensure 
*     that FileIO will not face any problems while 
*     reading from files. A names that starts with 
*     a single space can break the entire system, 
*     so this thing removes those unneeded spaces.
*   This plugin works with:
*   -----------------------
*       FileIO by Nestharus
*           - hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/file-i-o-2-0-0-1-a-217403/
*   API:
*   ----
*       function EvaluatePlayerNamesForFileIOSafety takes nothing returns nothing
*           - This will run one player name evaluation. Player names will be 
*             changed accordingly.
library FileIOPlayerNameSafety
        *   You may need periodic name evaluation if 
        *   your map allows players to change their names 
        *   to anything they want. If you do not feel like 
        *   calling the main API function after every name 
        *   change, you can set this to true and configure 
        *   the period to your liking.
	    private constant boolean PERIODIC_EVALUATION = false
        *   This is the interval in which evaluations 
        *   for player names are done in a map. 1 second 
        *   is a nice value.
		private constant real PERIOD = 1
    private module Init
        private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
			call evaluateNames()
			static if PERIODIC_EVALUATION then
			    call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), PERIOD, true, function thistype.evaluateNames)
    private struct NameSafety extends array
        static method evaluateNames takes nothing returns nothing
		    local integer index = 15
			local integer position = 0
            local integer length = 0
			local string name
			local player p
			    set p = Player(index)
				set name = GetPlayerName(p)
                set length = StringLength(name)
				    exitwhen position == length or SubString(name, position, position + 1) != " "
					set position = position + 1
				if position != 0 then
					call SetPlayerName(p, SubString(name, position, length))
					set position = 0
				exitwhen index == 0
				set index = index - 1
			set p = null
        implement Init
    function EvaluatePlayerNamesForFileIOSafety takes nothing returns nothing
        call NameSafety.evaluateNames()

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