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please someone help!!

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Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
i've been searching for a tutorial that shows you how to create a custom skin from scratch and how to apply it to a model. but i have'nt found one. i really want to start modeling but i dont know how.
could somebody make a tutorial that shows step by step how to create a skin from scratch and apply it to a model.
i have photoshop
magos' model editor
warcraft 3 viewer.
please help.
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
There is no need to make the skin from scratch, you merely choose which model you want to edit, extract the skin from the warcraft .mpq file and edit it to suit. There are plenty of tutorials on 2d artwork on this forum, you should of been able to find one to help you....

but since you haven't there is a good one on the helper tutorial site you can find here.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
thanks for ur help

EDIT: but how do people get custom skins on custom models like goku or mario then?

also how do u edit the skin for oinkerwinkle's cube (i have never skinned before and everyone has got to start somewhere)

sorry. also the 2d art tutorials didnt help me because i trying to put a skin on a custom model. thanks anyway
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