Please add save/load code for LUMBER ito my map and killboard

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Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
Hi, can someone please add in a simple Save/Load code for lumber into my map, lumber and lumber only please.
Also, can you please add in a simple killboard for player 2,3,4,5,6,11 to show creep kills?
Would like it as follows:

Player Kills
<playername> <kills>
<playername> <kills>
<playername> <kills>
<playername> <kills>
<playername> <kills>
<playername> <kills>

If that is possible, please put it in. Map is uploaded below. Thanks in advance, I tried doing it myself for a few days, was a total disaster. I will of course give credit in map, and rep on forum, least I could do. I need this done before further mapping can continue, intend to add quests, rewards system and more which will use lumber. Savecode should be reasonably secure and player specific. Thx!!



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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I hope this is what you were after.

6 character save code system, saves any quantity of lumber. On top of that it is also name locked and hash protected.

Took me a day but here you have it. It is not as refined as it could be but I spent a day making it and it appears to be bug free enough for public use.

Map needs JNGP.


  • LOTR Helms Deep Hero Defense v4.2.w3x
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You do not need newgen warcraft, use normal warcraft to play it. vJASS basically compiles into normal JASS when you save the map so WC3 can run it perfectly. I use it purly due to allowing slightly lower level acces to the map script.

Also I stuck it in your map so why you trying to export?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You need JASSNEWGENPACK (JNGP)'s WE to save the script I made cause I needed the lower level support it has to make it quickly. The map however is fully compatible with normal WC3 TFT 1.24b (and c I take it as well) so you can test / play it with your normal WC3 TFT.

Basically, if you want the same lumber system (and even same codes) in another map, simply copy the whole folder I made with all 3 save triggers in it (well it looks like 3) into your new map and save. You will need to save using JNGP, as I used vJASS to help make the save system quicker. Once again, this is only while saving, WC3 will treat it the same as any other map once saved (for example you could test the map I gave without having JNGP).

JNGP basically adds features to normal WE that it should have had already, and nearly every triggerer will recommend it to you. All the other stuff like reinventing the craft and its WC3 exe are not of any use to you. As a mapper you should use JNGP's WE to make the map (or help make it as another advantage is it has a less crash prone syntax checker than normal WE) and then run and test the map using the normal unmodified battlenet compatible "Frozen Throne.exe".
Level 10
Jun 7, 2008
ah ok so does the JNGP have any non jass features to enhance the mapping experience? Any new GUI stuff? Because I opened it up, looked EXACTLY like normal WE. Can't tell whats changed.

PS: I am a noob mapper, this is my first serious map, using it to learn for my big project.
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