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Pig Skin

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Level 2
May 16, 2004
Pig Skin
Danny was just plain stupid. His parents told him all the time. He spent most of the day playing video games by himself in his room (which is in the basement), and when he wasn’t doing that he was unfortunately smoking marijuana. He vacuumed the house twice a week to earn money for drugs and new video games. Tonight he got really high and laid in his bunk bed in the dark. He pulled out an old bag of pork rinds from under his bed, popped it open and began to eat them. Then he heard a strange squeal and fast scratching at his window. It startled him but then he thought he was just tripping. He then heard a squealing voice say “My skin!” It frightened him so he climbed under the covers. His room was dull and gray with no carpet, two noisy bunk beds (just stored in there), and an old creaky closet. Then a scratching noise came from his door up the stairs which lead to the kitchen. He heard what sounded like little hooves coming down the stairs and quiet snorts. “Mom!” he yelled, and the noise stopped. Then all was silent. A few seconds later the footsteps started again and the closet door creaked open. Danny peeked to see what it was and he saw what looked like a blanket in the dark crawl into the closet and close the door. He was up all night watching the closet until finally at 6:00 am he fell asleep. He was woken up by his mother at 11:00 am. She told him to come up stairs if he wanted breakfast. He got out of bed and started walking towards the closet to get dress but then he remembered last night when something entered it. So he decided to just chill in his pajamas all day. (That’s what he normally does) He went upstairs for breakfast. His mom made eggs, toast, and bacon. As soon as he took a bite of bacon he saw a quick flash of an evil pig face under the table, between his legs that quickly appeared as fast as it disappeared. It surprised him so much that he threw the bacon into the wall and fell backwards onto the floor. His mother ran out of the room crying “You hate my cooking!” Danny then decided to watch TV upstairs because he was scared. After an hour of television Danny started craving weed from his room to calm him down. He uncontrollably walked down the stairs and in the middle of the floor he saw something odd. It looked like two pink ripped up skin-like material crudely stitched together. Something was crawling around underneath it because it was moving. He ripped the skin sheet off to reveal a horrendous pig with blood smeared around its eyes and mouth. It squealed in agony because the light seemed to burn it. It then ran into the closet squealing “My skin! Give me back my skin!” Danny was in a state of shock. He forgot about his drugs and jumped to the top bunk and hid under the covers. He still heard the horrible groaning as the pig twitched in the corner of the closet covering its face begging for its skin. Then to Danny’s demise the lights started to flicker and then went out. The closet door burst open and the pig demon darted across the room while squealing to recover his skin. It crawled into the other bunk bed to search for Danny, heavily snorting through the blankets and pillows trying to pick up his sent. The thought that the pig would come to his bed next made him gasp. The pig heard him and was quiet. He heard something climbing the ladder to his bed. He looked down by his feet and saw two yellow eyes. When it saw him it quick ducked down out of sight. Danny shouted “Who are you!?” It responded, “I am an abomination crafted by vile human hands. I am cursed from witchcraft, both man and pig. My human side gives me intelligence while my pig side thirsts for revenge. Revenge for the massacre your people set on mine. You like bacon don’t you? Time for more skin to add to my collection”! Danny leaped off the bed and dashed to the foot of the stairs, but then the pig grabbed the back of Danny’s legs and he blacked out as his head smashed against the wall. He had weird dreams of pigs cooking skin, and sewing blankets out of it. Then the dreams became faster and weirder. He saw families of pig people at barbeques cooking humans, at super markets, sitting by fireplaces huddled together all smiling with their eyes closed in the warmth, and feeding humans buckets of slop in cages. Then it all stopped. That night Danny’s front door opened and a blanket of three skins sewed together with yellow eyes peeping under left the house. It ran through the cold misty streets and through the wet grass. It then smelled greasy pig skin being cooked. It then entered the large blue pancake house were the smell was coming from under the cover of darkness. On the sign it simply read IHOP. By Me, Bryan Clever a.k.a. anima89 hope you liked it :twisted:
Level 6
Jan 16, 2005
Uh...well the idea is horrible, a guy named Danny who likes to smoke weed and he has an obsession with insane pigs.
I just can't picture it as a good story, but oh well, whatever floats your boat.
Level 6
Jan 16, 2005
Daveman said:
this aint very good....
you do know that saying some one was "tripping" means they fell. You used it in its slang term.

'GaNgSta TalK' lol, the denotative meaning of tripping means to fall, but he used it as connotative, what the word suggests. :wink:
Level 2
May 16, 2004
thanks, i wrote it in class.. and no im not on drugs and yes i did read amittyville horror. you will find out what i mean if you read it homz. keep it chillin.
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