For a fullscreen system im making, I need to pause all units in the game when you open the fullscreen window.
Im wondering if the script leaks, because im not quite sure.
Can anyone tell me thanks?
Edit:: Oppps worng section.. sorry
Im wondering if the script leaks, because im not quite sure.
Can anyone tell me thanks?
function PauseAllUnitsBJ takes boolean pause returns nothing
local integer index
local player indexPlayer
local group g
set bj_pauseAllUnitsFlag = pause
set g = CreateGroup()
set index = 0
set indexPlayer = Player( index )
// If this is a computer slot, pause/resume the AI.
if (GetPlayerController( indexPlayer ) == MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER) then
call PauseCompAI( indexPlayer, pause )
// Enumerate and unpause every unit owned by the player.
call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer( g, indexPlayer, null )
call ForGroup( g, function PauseAllUnitsBJEnum )
call GroupClear( g )
set index = index + 1
exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call DestroyGroup(g)
Edit:: Oppps worng section.. sorry
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