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Passive Ability Spellbook help

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Level 2
Jul 31, 2007
Hello all, I am brand new to the world of WC3 map editing and I have been reading up on all sorts of tutorials and guides. I have been following suggestions and just testing with basic concepts however I have been playing around with spells made using trigger functions and the guide posted by Daelin has been my guide for experimentation. I know I ramble on about back story yar yar something about and IP ect. I'll get to the point.

I have been trying to make a very simple passive ability using two spells and a trigger. The goal was to make a hero ability that would grant armor and a slight chance to dodge and I figured I would need to make the first half of the ability and then a trigger to grant the second half. The first ability I used is Evasion(Ageis Armor) and the second is Spiked Carapace (Ageis Armored
). With the following trigger.
  • Ageis Armor
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Learns a skill
    • Conditions
      • (Learned Hero Skill) Equal to Ageis Armor
    • Actions
      • If ((Level of Ageis Armor for (Triggering unit)) Equal to 1) then do (Unit - Add Ageis Armored [Hidden] to (Triggering unit)) else do (Unit - Set level of Ageis Armored [Hidden] for (Triggering unit) to (Level of Ageis Armor for (Triggering unit)))
I've tested it step by step the first ability works fine on it's own, the second works fine on it's own and they both work correctly with the trigger however what I am having trouble with, and here comes the flaming already posted linkers, is when I try to hide the second spell using the spellbook.

What happens is that first of all you can't add hero abilities to a spellbook, so okay the guides didn't mention that at all, I just changed the second ability into a normal unit ability and figured it didn't matter, added it to the spell book and tried it. The spellbook appears as normal (i.e. not hidden by disabling it) however the second spell is already present in the book and the hero is already getting the armor buff.

No guide that I have read mentions that when setting up a function like this the hero has the trigger-added spell before learning the ability that triggers it. I suspect it has something to do with the way i set up the spellbook however nothing I have read seems to explain this. I just copied the original spellbook, changed it's name, spells and min/max spells then added Ageis Armor
. After that I just added the new spellbook i created to my hero's normal ability list (which is what I assumed I had to do as it never mentions in any guide weather to put it under normal abilities or hero abilities)

So basically I have probably avoided doing something very simple that is left out of the guides because it's just common sense to do. I hope I have explain this throughly enough so that there is no confusion and no one saying that this has already been covered, and if it has, god help me I have been searching the guides and forums for 2 days for an answer to this. I apologize profusely if it has, I assure you I really had no idea of the terrible crime I was committing.

Thanks so much for any and all help,

Level 2
Jul 31, 2007
Like most people who are so quick to reply by linking to another thread you have not read my post and do not understand what I am asking.

I would like to know why my hero has the passive ability that my trigger is suppose to add. In Daelin's guide he uses the exact same trigger as I do however he is putting Permanent immolation [neutral] into his spellbook and claims that the hero will become Permanently immolated when he learns the first level of his custom spell. Sounds very simple he gains permanent immolation when gains another spell and permanent immolation is hidden in his disabled spell book. However, the guide says nothing about the spell already being active in the spellbook.

This is most likely something very simple, i have to change one field to something else, I haven't found a guide which even says that this happens so unless you are 100% sure you know it answers my question please don't link me to another thread, it's rather insulting.
Level 2
Jul 31, 2007
I read all of what you linked to me, it says nothing that any other guide doesn't. You obviously don't understand my problem. Stop posting on my thread if you have nothing better to do than to condescend to people who are new to the world editor and it's abilities. This is a help forum, you do not belong here if you see this only as an opportunity to improve your ego.

This is why I waited two days to post. It always seems like I see someone asking an honest question for help and he's jumped on by these silly little people who have nothing better to do than mock them for not knowing something.

The answer is more than likely something extremely simple, I most likely need to change the spell to a normal unit spell or something like that. Why would someone waste the time to link me to a forum post that doesn't answer my question when it's just as easy if not easier to say "oh, you forgot to change this random 1 to a 0"

/rant off
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Ok, since you insist to disagree with me, you just need to Disable/Enable the ability.

That tutorial has that info plus usefull examples but if you don't want to read it, then do whatever you want.

  • Player - Disable Acid Bomb for Player 1 (Red)

This is located in the Player actions.
If you reconsider and you DO want examples, go read the second half of that tutorial.
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