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[Solved] OrderId and its usage

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Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
Hello! I am trying to create a hero with various abilities. When he uses them, i want to spawn a dummy, give ability, that was casted by Hero to dummy, and order dummy to use it again
Like multicast from OrgeMage from Dota
So, i am struggling with catching OrderId into a variable and with some CustomScript syntax
i am not gonna detect which ability type it was (like unit-target, point target or no target) - i l just spam all event in custom script, assuming that correct one will fire
here s all code i am come up to now
"ORDER ID HERE???" is where i struggle
  • antonidas
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to Antonidas
    • Actions
      • Set TempPointCaster = (Position of (Casting unit))
      • Set TempPointTarget = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
      • Set TempX = (X of TempPointTarget)
      • Set TempY = (Y of TempPointTarget)
      • Set TempAbility = (Ability being cast)
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy Unit for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at TempPointCaster facing Default building facing degrees
      • Set TempUnit2 = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Add a 3.00 second Generic expiration timer to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Add TempAbility to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Set level of TempAbility for TempUnit2 to (Level of TempAbility for (Casting unit))
      • Set TempIntOrder = (Integer(ORDER ID HERE???))
      • Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, udg_TempIntOrder)
      • Custom script: call IssuePointOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, 'ORDER ID HERE???', udg_TempX, udg_TempY)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPointCaster)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPointTarget)
Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
That function doesn't exist on 1.26a?
  • Custom script: set udg_ID = GetSpellAbilityId()
in fact it does! thank you!
can you help me with custom script now?
that line causing error 'Expected expression"
  • call IssuePointOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, 'udg_TempIntOrder', udg_TempX, udg_TempY)
i suppose i cant replace ability code (like some AHfs) with integer id? how should i fix it then?
also, can you give me other custom script commands for spell casting, if you can?

ok, i fixed error, simply by removing ' from the line
trigger look like that now
  • antonidas
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to Antonidas
    • Actions
      • Set TempPointCaster = (Position of (Casting unit))
      • Set TempPointTarget = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
      • Set TempX = (X of TempPointTarget)
      • Set TempY = (Y of TempPointTarget)
      • Set TempAbility = (Ability being cast)
      • Custom script: set udg_TempIntOrder = GetSpellAbilityId()
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy Unit for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at TempPointCaster facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy Unit visible for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at TempPointCaster facing Default building facing degrees
      • Set TempUnit2 = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Add a 3.00 second Generic expiration timer to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Add TempAbility to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Set level of TempAbility for TempUnit2 to (Level of TempAbility for (Casting unit))
      • Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, udg_TempIntOrder)
      • Custom script: call IssuePointOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, 'udg_TempIntOrder', udg_TempX, udg_TempY)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPointCaster)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPointTarget)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • debug_general Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Proper name of (Casting unit)) + casted a spell called ) + ((Name of TempAbility) + ( with id + (String(TempIntOrder)))))
        • Else - Actions
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Level 24
Jun 26, 2020
The problem is that the ability Ids are not orders, you should search the order in the object editor.

To get the order id you should use the function OrderId("spellsteal") and you should better know the target type of the ability to just use one of this functions:
  • Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, udg_TempIntOrder)
  • Custom script: call IssuePointOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, 'udg_TempIntOrder', udg_TempX, udg_TempY)
Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
where can i find custom script commands for those?
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt TempUnit
      • Unit - Order TempUnit to Human Blood Mage - Flame Strike TempPoint
      • Unit - Order TempUnit to Human Mountain King - Thunder Clap
Level 24
Jun 26, 2020
where can i find custom script commands for those?
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt TempUnit
      • Unit - Order TempUnit to Human Blood Mage - Flame Strike TempPoint
      • Unit - Order TempUnit to Human Mountain King - Thunder Clap
Just don't use the "byId" functions.
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
where can i find custom script commands for those?
In the future:
  1. Copy the line(s) you want to understand, make a new trigger, and paste them into it.
  2. Select the trigger, then go to Edit > Convert to Custom Text.
  3. Now look at the function on the top (not the one called InitTrig_...) to see how those lines roughly translate.
  4. Look up the functions you see on this website (WC3 Modding Information Center - Jass documentation Database), and then look at what that function does.
  5. If it's a native, use that native (click on it to learn more). If it's from blizzard.j (and thus is a wrapper because it calls other stuff instead), then you'll probably need to click on the function it actually calls (which should be a native) to figure out how exactly you should write that thing in a custom script.
Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
for the IssueTragetOrderBj i found
function IssueTargetOrderBJ takes unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
    return IssueTargetOrder( whichUnit, order, targetWidget )
so, i suppose i need that part to put in custom script

"call IssueTargetOrder( whichUnit, order, targetWidget )"
whichUnit - i suppose i can use udg_variable. same for targetWidget?
and as order i need to somewhat get integer id into string order
Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
can i use that native in custom script to convert integer into order string?
constant native OrderId2String takes integer orderId returns string
Level 43
Feb 27, 2007
Yes that's what you would do if you don't know the string directly. But if you do know the string then you'd use:
call IssueTargetOrder(udg_SomeUnit, "spellsteal", udg_SomeTarget)

If you have the order as an integer (orderid) then you would use the byId natives:
native IssueTargetOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
native IssueImmediateOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order returns boolean
native IssuePointOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean
Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
Yes that's what you would do if you don't know the string directly. But if you do know the string then you'd use:
call IssueTargetOrder(udg_SomeUnit, "spellsteal", udg_SomeTarget)

If you have the order as an integer (orderid) then you would use the byId natives:
native IssueTargetOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget returns boolean
native IssueImmediateOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order returns boolean
native IssuePointOrderById takes unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y returns boolean
wait, i am alredy using
  • Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, udg_TempIntOrder)
  • Custom script: call IssuePointOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, udg_TempIntOrder, udg_TempX, udg_TempY)
and it doesnt work
Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
i tried to use Id2String
  • antonidas
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Casting unit)) Equal to Antonidas
    • Actions
      • Set TempPointCaster = (Position of (Casting unit))
      • Set TempPointTarget = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
      • Set TempTarget = (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • Set TempX = (X of TempPointTarget)
      • Set TempY = (Y of TempPointTarget)
      • Set TempAbility = (Ability being cast)
      • Custom script: set udg_TempIntOrder = GetSpellAbilityId()
      • Custom script: set udg_TempStringOrder = OrderId2String(udg_TempIntOrder)
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy Unit visible for (Owner of (Casting unit)) at TempPointCaster facing Default building facing degrees
      • Set TempUnit2 = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Add a 5.00 second Generic expiration timer to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Add TempAbility to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Set level of TempAbility for TempUnit2 to (Level of TempAbility for (Casting unit))
      • Custom script: call IssueTargetOrder(udg_TempUnit2, udg_TempStringOrder, udg_TempTarget)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPointCaster)
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPointTarget)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • debug_general Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Proper name of (Casting unit)) + casted a spell called ) + ((Name of TempAbility) + ( with id + (String(TempIntOrder)))))
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Name of TempTarget) + is the target ) + ((Name of TempAbility) + ( with order + TempStringOrder)))
        • Else - Actions
dummy cant cast crap, debug msg with order string returns empty message
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Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
i split all that shitcode into 3 triggers

  • antonidas order data
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting a point
      • Unit - A unit Is issued an order with no target
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Ordered unit)) Equal to Antonidas
      • And - All (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Issued order) Not equal to (Order(smart))
          • (Issued order) Not equal to (Order(move))
          • (Issued order) Not equal to (Order(attack))
          • (Issued order) Not equal to (Order(patrol))
    • Actions
      • Set Multicast_order = (String((Issued order)))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • debug_general Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Proper name of (Ordered unit)) + order debug ) + (( original order + (String((Issued order)))) + ( into variable order + Multicast_order)))
        • Else - Actions
  • antonidas cast data
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Antonidas
    • Actions
      • Set Multicast_caster = (Casting unit)
      • Set Multicast_target = (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • Set TempPointCaster = (Position of Multicast_caster)
      • Set TempPointTarget = (Target point of ability being cast)
      • Set Multicast_ability = (Ability being cast)
      • Set Multicast_ability_lvl = (Level of Multicast_ability for Multicast_caster)
      • Custom script: set udg_TempIntOrder = GetSpellAbilityId()
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • debug_general Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Proper name of Multicast_caster) + caster debug ) + (( casted + (Name of Multicast_ability)) + ( to the + (Name of Multicast_target))))
        • Else - Actions
      • Trigger - Run antonidas dummy cast <gen> (ignoring conditions)
  • antonidas dummy cast
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy Unit visible for (Owner of Multicast_caster) at TempPointCaster facing Default building facing degrees
      • Set TempUnit2 = (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Add a 5.00 second Generic expiration timer to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Add Multicast_ability to TempUnit2
      • Unit - Set level of Multicast_ability for TempUnit2 to Multicast_ability_lvl
      • Custom script: call IssueTargetOrder(udg_TempUnit2, udg_Multicast_order, udg_TempTarget)
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • debug_general Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Proper name of Multicast_caster) + casted a spell called ) + ((Name of Multicast_ability) + ( with id + (String(TempIntOrder)))))
          • Game - Display to (All players) the text: (((Name of TempTarget) + is the target ) + ((Name of TempAbility) + ( with order + Multicast_order)))
        • Else - Actions

and now i can see all info, including Id, order (in string format), target, ability name, caster
and when dummy created, i can see he has correct ability with correct lvl and same ID
i suppose i am using custom script for orders somehow wrong, but where?? i am confused


Custom script: set udg_ID = GetSpellAbilityId()

btw, that one above returns not ID, but some big number
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Level 24
Jun 26, 2020
@ssbbssc2 I told you that the Ability being cast (or GetSpellAbilityId) is not the order; to get the order (I don't know how to get directly the order by using the ability) I always save the order (appears in the object editor as a string) in a variable and then use it, yes with the order id I think it would be faster, but you should get it with the string using the function OrderId or memorizing them:

---This is an order with no target that opens up the build menu of a unit that can build structures.
buildmenu                = 851994,
---851976 (cancel): This is an order with no target that is like a click on a cancel button.
---We used to be able to catch cancel clicks with this id back then but this id doesn't seem to work any more.
cancel                    = 851976,
---An item targeted order that move the target item to a certain inventory slot of the ordered hero.
itemdrag00                = 852002,
---An item targeted order that move the target item to a certain inventory slot of the ordered hero.
itemdrag01                = 852003,
---An item targeted order that move the target item to a certain inventory slot of the ordered hero.
itemdrag02                = 852004,
---An item targeted order that move the target item to a certain inventory slot of the ordered hero.
itemdrag03                = 852005,
---An item targeted order that move the target item to a certain inventory slot of the ordered hero.
itemdrag04                = 852006,
---An item targeted order that move the target item to a certain inventory slot of the ordered hero.
itemdrag05                = 852007,
---An order that will make the ordered hero use the item in a certain inventory slot.
---If it's an order with no target or object or point targeted depends on the type of item.
itemuse00                = 852008,
---An order that will make the ordered hero use the item in a certain inventory slot.
---If it's an order with no target or object or point targeted depends on the type of item.
itemuse01                = 852009,
---An order that will make the ordered hero use the item in a certain inventory slot.
---If it's an order with no target or object or point targeted depends on the type of item.
itemuse02                = 852010,
---An order that will make the ordered hero use the item in a certain inventory slot.
---If it's an order with no target or object or point targeted depends on the type of item.
itemuse03                = 852011,
---An order that will make the ordered hero use the item in a certain inventory slot.
---If it's an order with no target or object or point targeted depends on the type of item.
itemuse04                = 852012,
---An order that will make the ordered hero use the item in a certain inventory slot.
---If it's an order with no target or object or point targeted depends on the type of item.
itemuse05                = 852013,
---Order for AIaa ability, which blizzard made for tome of attack, but never used it. But it can actually change caster's base attack!
tomeOfAttack            = 852259,
---This is a point or object targeted order that is like a right click.
smart                    = 851971,
---This is an order with no target that opens the skill menu of heroes.
---If it is issued for a normal unit with triggers it will black out the command card for this unit, the command card will revert to normal after reselecting the unit.
skillmenu                = 852000,
---This order is issued to units that get stunned by a spell, for example War Stomp (AOws).
---This is probably a hold position + hold fire order. The ordered unit will be unable to move and attack.*/
stunned                    = 851973,
wandOfIllusion            = 852274,

absorb                    = 852529,
acidbomb                = 852662,
acolyteharvest            = 852185,
ambush                    = 852131,
ancestralspirit            = 852490,
ancestralspirittarget    = 852491,
animatedead                = 852217,
antimagicshell            = 852186,
attack                    = 851983,
attackground            = 851984,
attackonce                = 851985,
attributemodskill        = 852576,
auraunholy                = 852215,
auravampiric            = 852216,
autodispel                = 852132,
autodispeloff            = 852134,
autodispelon            = 852133,
autoentangle            = 852505,
autoentangleinstant        = 852506,
autoharvestgold            = 852021,
autoharvestlumber        = 852022,
avatar                    = 852086,
avengerform                = 852531,
awaken                    = 852466,
banish                    = 852486,
barkskin                = 852135,
barkskinoff                = 852137,
barkskinon                = 852136,
battleroar                = 852599,
battlestations            = 852099,
bearform                = 852138,
berserk                    = 852100,
blackarrow                = 852577,
blackarrowoff            = 852579,
blackarrowon            = 852578,
blight                    = 852187,
blink                    = 852525,
blizzard                = 852089,
bloodlust                = 852101,
bloodlustoff            = 852103,
bloodluston                = 852102,
board                    = 852043,
breathoffire            = 852580,
breathoffrost            = 852560,
build                    = 851994,
burrow                    = 852533,
cannibalize                = 852188,
carrionscarabs            = 852551,
carrionscarabsinstant    = 852554,
carrionscarabsoff        = 852553,
carrionscarabson        = 852552,
carrionswarm            = 852218,
chainlightning            = 852119,
channel                    = 852600,
charm                    = 852581,
chemicalrage            = 852663,
cloudoffog                = 852473,
clusterrockets            = 852652,
coldarrows                = 852244,
coldarrowstarg            = 852243,
controlmagic            = 852474,
corporealform            = 852493,
corrosivebreath            = 852140,
coupleinstant            = 852508,
coupletarget            = 852507,
creepanimatedead        = 852246,
creepdevour                = 852247,
creepheal                = 852248,
creephealoff            = 852250,
creephealon                = 852249,
creepthunderbolt        = 852252,
creepthunderclap        = 852253,
cripple                    = 852189,
curse                    = 852190,
curseoff                = 852192,
curseon                    = 852191,
cyclone                    = 852144,
darkconversion            = 852228,
darkportal                = 852229,
darkritual                = 852219,
darksummoning            = 852220,
deathanddecay            = 852221,
deathcoil                = 852222,
deathpact                = 852223,
decouple                = 852509,
defend                    = 852055,
detectaoe                = 852015,
detonate                = 852145,
devour                    = 852104,
devourmagic                = 852536,
disassociate            = 852240,
disenchant                = 852495,
dismount                = 852470,
dispel                    = 852057,
divineshield            = 852090,
doom                    = 852583,
drain                    = 852487,
dreadlordinferno        = 852224,
dropitem                = 852001,
drunkenhaze                = 852585,
earthquake                = 852121,
eattree                    = 852146,
elementalfury            = 852586,
ensnare                    = 852106,
ensnareoff                = 852108,
ensnareon                = 852107,
entangle                = 852147,
entangleinstant            = 852148,
entanglingroots            = 852171,
etherealform            = 852496,
evileye                    = 852105,
faeriefire                = 852149,
faeriefireoff            = 852151,
faeriefireon            = 852150,
fanofknives                = 852526,
farsight                = 852122,
fingerofdeath            = 852230,
firebolt                = 852231,
flamestrike                = 852488,
flamingarrows            = 852174,
flamingarrowstarg        = 852173,
flamingattack            = 852540,
flamingattacktarg        = 852539,
flare                    = 852060,
forceboard                = 852044,
forceofnature            = 852176,
forkedlightning            = 852587,
freezingbreath            = 852195,
frenzy                    = 852561,
frenzyoff                = 852563,
frenzyon                = 852562,
frostarmor                = 852225,
frostarmoroff            = 852459,
frostarmoron            = 852458,
frostnova                = 852226,
getitem                    = 851981,
gold2lumber                = 852233,
grabtree                = 852511,
harvest                    = 852018,
heal                    = 852063,
healingspray            = 852664,
healingward                = 852109,
healingwave                = 852501,
healoff                    = 852065,
healon                    = 852064,
hex                        = 852502,
holdposition            = 851993,
holybolt                = 852092,
howlofterror            = 852588,
humanbuild                = 851995,
immolation                = 852177,
impale                    = 852555,
incineratearrow            = 852670,
incineratearrowoff        = 852672,
incineratearrowon        = 852671,
inferno                    = 852232,
innerfire                = 852066,
innerfireoff            = 852068,
innerfireon                = 852067,
instant                    = 852200,
invisibility            = 852069,
lavamonster                = 852667,
lightningshield            = 852110,
load                    = 852046,
loadarcher                = 852142,
loadcorpse                = 852050,
loadcorpseinstant        = 852053,
locustswarm                = 852556,
lumber2gold                = 852234,
magicdefense            = 852478,
magicleash                = 852480,
magicundefense            = 852479,
manaburn                = 852179,
manaflareoff            = 852513,
manaflareon                = 852512,
manashieldoff            = 852590,
manashieldon            = 852589,
massteleport            = 852093,
mechanicalcritter        = 852564,
metamorphosis            = 852180,
militia                    = 852072,
militiaconvert            = 852071,
militiaoff                = 852073,
militiaunconvert        = 852651,
mindrot                    = 852565,
mirrorimage                = 852123,
monsoon                    = 852591,
mount                    = 852469,
mounthippogryph            = 852143,
move                    = 851986,
moveAI                    = 851988,
nagabuild                = 852467,
neutraldetectaoe        = 852023,
neutralinteract            = 852566,
neutralspell            = 852630,
nightelfbuild            = 851997,
orcbuild                = 851996,
parasite                = 852601,
parasiteoff                = 852603,
parasiteon                = 852602,
patrol                    = 851990,
phaseshift                = 852514,
phaseshiftinstant        = 852517,
phaseshiftoff            = 852516,
phaseshifton            = 852515,
phoenixfire                = 852481,
phoenixmorph            = 852482,
poisonarrows            = 852255,
poisonarrowstarg        = 852254,
polymorph                = 852074,
possession                = 852196,
preservation            = 852568,
purge                    = 852111,
rainofchaos                = 852237,
rainoffire                = 852238,
raisedead                = 852197,
raisedeadoff            = 852199,
raisedeadon                = 852198,
ravenform                = 852155,
recharge                = 852157,
rechargeoff                = 852159,
rechargeon                = 852158,
rejuvination            = 852160,
renew                    = 852161,
renewoff                = 852163,
renewon                    = 852162,
repair                    = 852024,
repairoff                = 852026,
repairon                = 852025,
replenish                = 852542,
replenishlife            = 852545,
replenishlifeoff        = 852547,
replenishlifeon            = 852546,
replenishmana            = 852548,
replenishmanaoff        = 852550,
replenishmanaon            = 852549,
replenishoff            = 852544,
replenishon                = 852543,
request_hero            = 852239,
requestsacrifice        = 852201,
restoration                = 852202,
restorationoff            = 852204,
restorationon            = 852203,
resumebuild                = 851999,
resumeharvesting        = 852017,
resurrection            = 852094,
returnresources            = 852020,
revenge                    = 852241,
revive                    = 852039,
roar                    = 852164,
robogoblin                = 852656,
root                    = 852165,
sacrifice                = 852205,
sanctuary                = 852569,
scout                    = 852181,
selfdestruct            = 852040,
selfdestructoff            = 852042,
selfdestructon            = 852041,
sentinel                = 852182,
setrally                = 851980,
shadowsight                = 852570,
shadowstrike            = 852527,
shockwave                = 852125,
silence                    = 852592,
sleep                    = 852227,
slow                    = 852075,
slowoff                    = 852077,
slowon                    = 852076,
soulburn                = 852668,
soulpreservation        = 852242,
spellshield                = 852571,
spellshieldaoe            = 852572,
spellsteal                = 852483,
spellstealoff            = 852485,
spellstealon            = 852484,
spies                    = 852235,
spiritlink                = 852499,
spiritofvengeance        = 852528,
spirittroll                = 852573,
spiritwolf                = 852126,
stampede                = 852593,
standdown                = 852113,
starfall                = 852183,
stasistrap                = 852114,
steal                    = 852574,
stomp                    = 852127,
stoneform                = 852206,
stop                    = 851972,
submerge                = 852604,
summonfactory            = 852658,
summongrizzly            = 852594,
summonphoenix            = 852489,
summonquillbeast        = 852595,
summonwareagle            = 852596,
tankdroppilot            = 852079,
tankloadpilot            = 852080,
tankpilot                = 852081,
taunt                    = 852520,
thunderbolt                = 852095,
thunderclap                = 852096,
tornado                    = 852597,
townbelloff                = 852083,
townbellon                = 852082,
tranquility                = 852184,
transmute                = 852665,
unavatar                = 852087,
unavengerform            = 852532,
unbearform                = 852139,
unburrow                = 852534,
uncoldarrows            = 852245,
uncorporealform            = 852494,
undeadbuild                = 851998,
undefend                = 852056,
undivineshield            = 852091,
unetherealform            = 852497,
unflamingarrows            = 852175,
unflamingattack            = 852541,
unholyfrenzy            = 852209,
unimmolation            = 852178,
unload                    = 852047,
unloadall                = 852048,
unloadallcorpses        = 852054,
unloadallinstant        = 852049,
unpoisonarrows            = 852256,
unravenform                = 852156,
unrobogoblin            = 852657,
unroot                    = 852166,
unstableconcoction        = 852500,
unstoneform                = 852207,
unsubmerge                = 852605,
unsummon                = 852210,
unwindwalk                = 852130,
vengeance                = 852521,
vengeanceinstant        = 852524,
vengeanceoff            = 852523,
vengeanceon                = 852522,
volcano                    = 852669,
voodoo                    = 852503,
ward                    = 852504,
waterelemental            = 852097,
wateryminion            = 852598,
web                        = 852211,
weboff                    = 852213,
webon                    = 852212,
whirlwind                = 852128,
windwalk                = 852129,
wispharvest                = 852214
Level 5
Aug 20, 2015
@ssbbssc2 I told you that the Ability being cast (or GetSpellAbilityId) is not the order; to get the order (I don't know how to get directly the order by using the ability) I always save the order (appears in the object editor as a string) in a variable and then use it, yes with the order id I think it would be faster, but you should get it with the string using the function OrderId or memorizing them

just to make things clear
we have OrderId like that
acidbomb = 852662 - its integer
we have order like that
acidbomb - its string

i used string version, it doesnt work for some reason

so should i use custom script like that
Custom script: call IssueTargetOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, XXXX, udg_TempTarget) where XXXX is integerId that looks like 852662, right?
Level 24
Jun 26, 2020
just to make things clear
we have OrderId like that
acidbomb = 852662 - its integer
we have order like that
acidbomb - its string

i used string version, it doesnt work for some reason

so should i use custom script like that
Custom script: call IssueTargetOrderById(udg_TempUnit2, XXXX, udg_TempTarget) where XXXX is integerId that looks like 852662, right?
I noticed that in your triggers you have 2 variables udg_TempIntOrder and udg_Multicast_order what value has this latter?

And to answer your question: yes.
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