• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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A Pandaren Geomancer. Not like the concept art really.

Pandarean, Geomancer, Panda, mage

OrcWarlock (Texture)

THE_END: Now that is a Pandarean Warlock dude thing man




THE_END: Now that is a Pandarean Warlock dude thing man
Level 4
Nov 23, 2004
The arms are poorly filtered.
The cape symbol was erased, and it looks like you used the bandaid tool and then did some messy dodgeing beneath the symbols.

The face is decent, but the nose seems just a bit too big, and the white line is too bright, it needs just a bit of blending.

Not too bad, nice concept.
Level 2
May 29, 2004
compared to the brewmaster nose, no the white line on the nose, isnt too bright. i dont really think its too big either.

as for the other stuff...i used paint shop pro, so if you could find out the equivilent of those tools in psp, then maybe ill be able to tell you if i used them or not.

The cape was the laziest part, i removed the symbol, made a few folds of my own and then just recoloured it brown and added the oriental stuff which i stole from some site.(I have no idea what it says). i didnt use a band aid tool or any dodging though...whatever that is.

id say the arms are "filtered" the exact same way as the body, so if theyre bad so is the body. i used a texture function on them (probably the same as a filter). lazy again, but i was getting bored. I do skins when im not terraining for projects, so i sometimes rush parts.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2004
Nose is a bit too big, like I says, and the line is too white, like I says...

Im sorry for not including the armor, i got some strange notion that on the unwrap it included the entire sleeve (the brown and green part)even though on the wrap its clearly the pants... Yeah my brain dont be workin, ah well.

As for you comments about being lazy... Why the fuck are you gonna half ass this and put it up a mediocre piece of work. Why not stop working on it and come back when your interested. If this is your "half-ass'd" version, take it down and do it right.

Lose the filter, redo the cloth shading by hand, clean up the cape, fix the shading on the nose, and this could look nice. You obviously have some talent for this you, so shouldn't settle for "decent".
Level 2
May 29, 2004
wow. talk about varied comments.
Lets see if i can deal with this. *rolls up sleeves*

"but it don't even close of looking like an Pandarien..."
Because it dosnt have the axact same head as the pandaren models that are spewing out in the model section? pandarens can have different facial strucutres, as specially as war3 is a veyr cartoony game.

"If this is your "half-ass'd" version, take it down and do it right."-no. ill put up what i like. This is easily good enough for the section, i dont have the time, patience or interest to redo this skin. its finished. Yes it could be better. but thats just how skins are. some are better than others.

"The face is just plain horrid.
you didnt even attempt to shade you simply recolored , added crappy symbols that you probably do not understand"- How is the face horrid. decent C&C wont actually help in this case as Im not redoing it, but i suppose it could help in my later skins. the "crappy" symbols on his cloak do mean something, and theyre the only CnP on the skin. I cant remember exactly what they meant now, but i think they may have had some slight relevence. The other symbols on his bosy n sleeves are freehand. I did attempt to shade, but i couldnt be arsed. there are teeny bits of shading in the skin.

"Bad model choise"-Your a bad choice.... :oops: Sorry, i just get sick of using the brewmasters head repeatedly.

"There is nothing you could to it."..well shucks...thanks..i think there is though

"i think its a CnP tome" Nah, tome is freehand. a bit recoloured from, then edited.

"Not a great skin actually... but WONDERFUL idea and use of model."- I would say thats the fairest comment here.

"Nose is a bit too big, like I says, and the line is too white, like I says..." True, the white line is too white. :oops: but things are different sizes on the unrap. The nose is about the same size as the warlocks nose if i remember right.
Level 3
Oct 9, 2004
Logicly speaking, Pandarens would be Chinese.

Pandas live in China afterall. Not Japan. The reason why you see Samurai Pandareans as depicted from Blizzard, is due to Blizzard's inate racism. (Jamaican Trolls, Native American Tauren, Irish Dwarves, all stereotyped, and the lack of any real black people with the exception of Duran, who just so happens to be evil, and the Diablo Mage and Paladin, who happen to be some of the weakest characters in the game, and even so the ratio is still 2:6)
Level 2
Sep 27, 2006
To quote Wallfly:
"Jamaican Trolls, Native American Tauren, Irish Dwarves, all stereotyped,"

You accuse Blizzard of being racist, while you yourself are so culturally ignorant you can find no distinction between an Irish and a Scottish accent. For shame. And how can a fictional race of characters be stereotyped?