Hey all this is my second upload and the first one I have confidence in this map is an edited version of the Roc map "Into the realm eternal" from the Undead campaign but instead of the scourge invading it's the old Orcish Horde I got inspiration for this map and the upcoming maps that i'm making from good old Warcraft 2 when on the Orc campaign there is a level where it says "destroy the elven kingdom of Quel'thalas" so I thought well why not make a Warcraft 3 version of it but split up into 3 parts just like the scourge campaign so here it is! model credits go to Red XIII for the Troll Lumber Mill and the Temple of the Damned Building Models Credits for the Ogrim Doomhammer model go to Tauer the Skeleton model credits go to Mr.Goblin, Caveman and Deolrin and the Death Knight model credits go to Mr.Goblin, Deolrin, Whitehorn and Pyramidhe@d the last 2 models come from the "Scars of Conflict Resource Pack " also I almost forgot the credits to the unused but still awesome troll axe thrower model (which also comes from the Scars of Conflict Resource Pack) go to Mr.Goblin and DonDustin. i hope you enjoy this map feel free to edit the map and re-upload it (only if its been edited) but be sure to give credits to me and the model makers OK?
Horde, WC2, Warcraft 2, Silvermoon, Elves, Doomhammer, Old School, Sylvannas, High Elves, Orc, Orcish Horde, Quel'thalas