Only show part of the minmap?

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Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
Is there a trigger/script to show a certain area on the minimap. I don't mind if it limits the cam boundaries, too.

I tried ''Camera - Set Camera Bounds'' but it only changed the camera boundaries without updating the minimap accordingly. Here's the testmap if anyone wants to try:


  • Cambound Minimap Test.w3x
    78.5 KB · Views: 74
Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
Do you want to make the minimap show only a part of the map?

I recall there's a trigger action that would set the minimap view to show only the things in a specific region. But that would also remove the minimap and would show only the unit indicators with black background though.

black backround? Hmmm, I might be able to work with that :p
could you tell me that trigger's name, please, if you still know it. I don't recall ever having seen a trigger like that. Maybe I was overlooking it all those years... oh man!...

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
You cannot change the mini-map using triggers. It is a fixed image that is stored in the map archive file.

You can change the camera bounds but this has the unfortunate problem of keeping the mini-map image exactly the same so the icons and camera stop making sense with relationship to the actual image.

This area of mapping is vastly improved in StarCraft II, where changing the camera bounds can easily be made to automatically resize the mini-map image to reflect the change.

On possible work around in WC3 would be to abuse mini-map icons to generate a custom mini-map image. How well this will work I am not sure.
Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
You cannot change the mini-map using triggers. It is a fixed image that is stored in the map archive file.

You can change the camera bounds but this has the unfortunate problem of keeping the mini-map image exactly the same so the icons and camera stop making sense with relationship to the actual image.

This area of mapping is vastly improved in StarCraft II, where changing the camera bounds can easily be made to automatically resize the mini-map image to reflect the change.

On possible work around in WC3 would be to abuse mini-map icons to generate a custom mini-map image. How well this will work I am not sure.

Interesting... but how do I get minimap icons in the first place? Importing new ones won't be a problem, but I need to know the original process. Care to elaborate? Would be much appreciated :) Like, is it a normal trigger or sth else in the map settings?
Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
You can set the minimap to a black image and then resize the camera bounds and this will create a minimap that only shows the area where your units are but only unit indicators will be shown on the minimap and not the terrain.

Custom Mini-map Tutorial

thank you! It was an enlightening read and I learned sth usefull :p.

However, one problem remains: I want to switch the minimap during the game. Like, in one place only the southern area of the map is shown in the minimap and in another place it's the northern part that is shown in the minimap. You get the idea...

I'm sure I saw this being done in a RPG once... if only I could remember the name :/
Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
Try this trigger action. I think it limits what can be viewed in the minimap too.

I tried. Sadly it doesn't work as intended. That trigger will only scale the cam bounds and the unit indicators in the minmap accordingly; the actual image of the landscape however will still show the entire map, which is kinda sloppy programming :p
Level 4
Jan 28, 2013
I tried. Sadly it doesn't work as intended. That trigger will only scale the cam bounds and the unit indicators in the minmap accordingly; the actual image of the landscape however will still show the entire map, which is kinda sloppy programming :p
yes that's what I tried to tell you was going to happen, and suggested changing the mini-map image to a completely black image, so that it would not matter that it was not re-sized with everything else. Sorry I must have worded my post incorrectly.
Level 10
Apr 27, 2012
yes that's what I tried to tell you was going to happen, and suggested changing the mini-map image to a completely black image, so that it would not matter that it was not re-sized with everything else. Sorry I must have worded my post incorrectly.

all your posts were perfectly clear, man!!!

I was just answering to a previous post that it didn't work.

Anyways, everyone, thank you for your effort and all; I guess I gathered enough knowledge about the issue with minimaps.

If anyones knows sth else feel free to add it. If not it's okay and I will see where I go from here!

Many thanks ツ
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