Ogre Footman

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Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Well basically what it says! i need a Model of a Ogre with a shield and giant axe or sword.
And of course GIant brestplate and shoulder pads. Plate not leather... They dont wear pants, they are too big! Footwear would be nice.

Again for my map im making for a merc unit.

+rep and credit for who ever helps.
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008

I havent updated it in about a week i think. I've gotten alot more done and im going to improve everything on my first post.

This map is basically puting different factions from different timelines against each other. Like original burning legion, Horde from WC2, Blood Elf army.
Then theres some sub factions, you can get at sub faction taverns, Space Orcs, Trolls, Ogres.

Special small factions you can make. Map this is on is Really big, and if downloading problems occur ill switch it to a lot smaller map. Which i prob will for testing.

I still need to add pictures, which is what ive been doing, taking screen shots of many things in-game.
I have worked on this project pretty much sense 21st of december.

You do know what a Ogre is? Ogre is a big either 1 headed orge or 2 headed orge, someitimes with 1 eye sometimes 2. Example is this

Thats a example of what a ogre is, You can most likely just use textures and such from the Ogre Lord in the game. And add a giant shield with holding a giant axe or something. With improved looks.

Anything else you need to know?
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
Eh, two different models, one with a head one with 2. Because i have a special upgrading I'm setting up

For example

In WC2 Guldan turned the basic 1 headed stupid ogre warriors, put them in the later of storms and transformed them into two headed, very smart, and powerful magi. Ogre mages, thats what im doing with many units. I use the troll beserker upgrade to upgrade many units.

So yea, 1 head on one model and 2 on another. please
Level 12
Jan 16, 2008
For now you can just try out with adding a shield to the ogre lord and ogre chieftan(this is in campaign) Too get a good idea. Just add a big shield. Like a Triangle, now circle or anything.
Level 22
Oct 27, 2004
So sorry for the delay...

But I'm done now. I've been trying to touch up my model for the modeling competition before it was done, and trigonometry homework really eats a chunk out of my life these days.
But here ya go.... tell me if you need something changed.
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