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Observers Question

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Level 18
May 11, 2012
I am using Player slots as following:

Player 1 (Red) is a neutral player, and he owns structures.
Player 2 (Blue) - Player 10 (Light Blue) excluding Player 8 (Pink -> Unused Slot) are human player slots -> actual players.

Player 11 and Player 12 are enemy player slots, tho in lobby I only show player 12 (Brown) and they are computer players. Actually, player 12 is only computer player, player 11 isn't even used, but I use it in triggers for ownership.

So in total I am using 11 player slots (Red, Blue, Teal, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Green, Gray, Light Blue, Dark Green, Brown).

When I add observer slots in lobby options, I come up with 3 more slots. I need to know which player slots occupy observer slots?
Level 13
Oct 16, 2010
In theory you should just be able to work that out in the lobby (if you are using fixed player settings that is). As all used slots by players/computers will appear at the top and any unused/neutral (I think) slots will appear as observer slots.

So a rough guess is that your observer slots are Player 1 (neutral), Player 8 (unused) and Player 11 (unused).
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