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NOTD unlock

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Level 2
Jun 25, 2004
hey can someone unlock NOTD for me, the game is not finished, and the creators said they are not finishing it, so i want to finish it but can't find an unlocker for it right now, anyone got one? (NOTD= night of the dead, the newest one)

here is the file name:

Night of the Dead II Beta 1.0b.w3x
Level 2
Jan 1, 2005
Eusira said:
How about getting through like 4 different lockdown programs, only one of which is crackable? Plus, you wouldn't have the skill to do it, and they probably scrambled it in JASS. THe only thing in my interests in that game is the ammo system
sounds like mission impossible. gotta admit that id like to extract the icons from it though. btw the ammo system seems easy to make...
Level 2
Jun 25, 2004
How about getting through like 4 different lockdown programs, only one of which is crackable? Plus, you wouldn't have the skill to do it, and they probably scrambled it in JASS. THe only thing in my interests in that game is the ammo system

ummm i doubt 4 different lockdown prgms, but JASS seems likely, but i once upon a time had a prgm, that tore the file apart, so i could take out the triggers and the map but they were not together, but alais, the father likes to delete stuff without telling me, arrgggg.

So anyone know of any prgms?
Level 2
Jan 1, 2005
Eusira said:
Yes, but Icon extraction is easy. Ever heard of a "screenshot?"
no, but maybe id be able to use the import manager to extract em.... this only just occured to me
Level 2
Jan 1, 2005
Eusira said:
Vorn. You cannot access the map's import manager if you can't open it in the first place. Take the screenshot, crop and fix up the icon, and then make a DISBTN. It's not that difficult
ya i tired it and felt stupid but waht ur saying could work!
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