To add gold to a unit, you first need to go to F6 and add the amounted gold to the unit,
Here how to find.
stats - gold bounty awarded base: this sets the base of the amount compared with average gold that the creep will give
stats - gold bounty awarded number of dice: this sets the number of gold that can be lower than the base.
stats - gold bounty awarded sides per dice: this you need to multiply with the number of dice and the outcome of that will be the highest gold that the creep can give.
gold base is set to =5=
number of dices is set to =1=
sides of dices is set to =3=
The outcome of a creep when killed will be between 4 (5 is base an 1 is dice 5-1=4)
and 8 (base = 5 number of dice is 1 and sides is 3 1*3=3 and 3+5=8 )
Hope this is clear, and useable.
When you did all of this there is one thing left to do:
Go to F4 (trigger menu)
And set the following trigger to a trigger you are willing to activate the bounty with.
Event: Melee Initialization
Condition: none, or one that you prefer.
Action: player - turn player flag on/off
This action should describe the following to turn bounty on.
Turn gives bounty on for neutal Hostile
when you have done this every hostile creep you will kill gives you an aditional gold that you have putted in the F6 for the requested unit
I hope i could have helped you out, if not I will give you an pictured description off it for more understanding.
Good Luck.