12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
IcemanBo: Too long as NeedsFix. Rejected.
Reviewed by Maker, Sorcerer Spells 1.0, 5th May 2012
Required changes
Suggested changes
- Add importing instructions
- Abilities must support levels
- Null local unit variables in Wither Cast, now they leak
- Make clear which triggers belong to the spellpack
- Instance counter integers can't be 0 if they are not subtracted from.
Do "if integer == 0, turn off trigger" check only after you subtract from the integer,
not during every loop- No need to remove units from a group if you're going to destroy
the group right away- Don't load light and buff0 in Wither Effects during every loop, only
when you need them- Thunderbolt Cast, SaveRealBJ -> SaveReal(hash, parentKey, childKey, value)
- You could use GetSpellTargetX and ...Y instead of location in Thunderbolt Cast