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[Altered Melee] New Kul'Tiras Race

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Level 4
Oct 10, 2021
Hello! The Real Scale Warcraft I mentioned a few days ago.. Well I delayed it for a while because I was focus on making another project. New Kul'Tiras. Yes that's the name with "New" because this Kul'Tiras is a bit different than Proudmoore's Kul'Tiras in Bonus Campaign in TFT. It is a bit more enhanced with Dwarven Technology, Magics from Dalaran, and a bit of inspiration from StarCraft for some reason because I wanted it lol.

It also didn't take me long to make the units and buildings because I had them on my other map for testing against AI

All that's left on my map to edit/fix would be:
-Kul'Tiras Heroes (all 4 of them like each race)
-Correcting grammmar/descriptions errors.

I hope I can get some good suggestions, thoughts, ideas, and the correct balancing of units. Oh and the map is Crucible because I am too lazy to make a differrent map :p

Here are some screenshots of the units.
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Nice. Haven't checked it out but looking at the screenshots you're off to a good start. A few things I noticed:
  • You should have 12 units (and if I understand correctly, the two different Gryphon's are like two forms of the same thing? So you don't even have 11). That's good news; it's harder to cut than it is to create IMO. : )
  • Speaking of Gryphons... It's "Gryphons". Warcraft spells them weird (don't ask me why). Unless you are going for a different kind of beast... But even then it's spelled "Griffon", with an 'o' not an 'e'.
  • Speaking of names, you'll want to reconsider any names which are already 'taken' (used elsewhere), if you're designing this faction to be a "5th race addition"-style thing (i.e. comparable to & playable with the OG 4). Stuff like "Forge", "Siege Tank", "Barracks", etc.
  • I cannot emphasize enough: I think it is a very bad idea to have a standard unit be given any kind of straight-up "Direct Damage"/"Damage-over-Time" (DD/DoT) ability... much less three. Flame Strike, Crushing Wave & Earthquake are hero abilities for a reason; being able to wield such abilities on a mass-trainable unit (rather than a Hero which is limited to 1) is just gonna be a Bad Time, no matter how high the resource costs.

Also, I'm not sure why you had trouble uploading to the Hive, but I would encourage you not to create multiple topics for something like this, and instead update this thread with release news & such.

Looking forward to your Heroes.
Level 4
Oct 10, 2021
Nice. Haven't checked it out but looking at the screenshots you're off to a good start. A few things I noticed:
  • You should have 12 units (and if I understand correctly, the two different Gryphon's are like two forms of the same thing? So you don't even have 11). That's good news; it's harder to cut than it is to create IMO. : )
  • Speaking of Gryphons... It's "Gryphons". Warcraft spells them weird (don't ask me why). Unless you are going for a different kind of beast... But even then it's spelled "Griffon", with an 'o' not an 'e'.
  • Speaking of names, you'll want to reconsider any names which are already 'taken' (used elsewhere), if you're designing this faction to be a "5th race addition"-style thing (i.e. comparable to & playable with the OG 4). Stuff like "Forge", "Siege Tank", "Barracks", etc.
  • I cannot emphasize enough: I think it is a very bad idea to have a standard unit be given any kind of straight-up "Direct Damage"/"Damage-over-Time" (DD/DoT) ability... much less three. Flame Strike, Crushing Wave & Earthquake are hero abilities for a reason; being able to wield such abilities on a mass-trainable unit (rather than a Hero which is limited to 1) is just gonna be a Bad Time, no matter how high the resource costs.

Also, I'm not sure why you had trouble uploading to the Hive, but I would encourage you not to create multiple topics for something like this, and instead update this thread with release news & such.

Looking forward to your Heroes.
  • Still in development btw, hoping that my mind would spark an idea of a unit.
  • I got it. I am changing the name of "Griffen" to "Gryphon" ( I named it Griffen as an inspiration from Heroes of Might and & Magic 3 game. Along with the champions and crusaders too )
  • I can't think of synonyms of the buildings and units I named. I even googled stuff to atleast have some names that aren't used in other custom races.
  • Still working on Elementalists and DOT spells and units. Trying the best to balance it.
P.S: Kul'Tiras is meant to be a cost extensive race but with powerful units. (Like Protoss in StarCraft 1 and 2. Having expensive units but op)
Thanks for the idea Kyrbi0, I'll work on it! :D
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
[*]Still in development btw, hoping that my mind would spark an idea of a unit.
Of course, no problem. If I may suggest one of the two primary ways to go about doing this:

"Top-Down": Look at Theme/Lore/etc, answering the questions "What kind of faction does the Kul'Tiras look like?" & "What sorts of warriors would they field?" Think about resonance, and come up with a solid list of tropes (click that link & search for "Lesson #4"), or 'unit concepts', that make sense/sound cool for the Kul'Tiras. If you've already done this (stuff like the Gryphon & the Cannoneer), dig a little deeper into the lore & see if you can come up with anything else.

"Bottom-Up": Look at Mechanics/Gameplay/Roles, answering the question "What gameplay functions ("roles") are my faction missing?". Basic stuff like worker, harvester, melee, ranged, siege, caster, flying, etc, you may already have figured out; if you haven't, definitely work on filling those gaps so it matches the other factions. But don't forget to dive a little deeper; anti-air, scouting, anti-caster, offensive/defensive mages, different kinds of melee/ranged combat support. And even further; if you have two units whose 'combat functions'/gameplay 'roles' are very similar, look at ways to differentiate.

[*]I can't think of synonyms of the buildings and units I named. I even googled stuff to atleast have some names that aren't used in other custom races.
Hm, that's strange. Googling for other words (much less finding an actual online Thesaurus) should be pretty straightforward. I'll try to give it some thought.

[*]Still working on Elementalists and DOT spells and units. Trying the best to balance it.
Understood. Yeah, casters are often one of the hardest parts to get right in Techtree design; coming up with interesting spells that do something but not too much is tricksy. I would just encourage you to stay as far away from dealing-damage as possible. : )
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