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New Hero Defense map!

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Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
Hello, I'm creating a new hero defense map, as title says. I need some help creating units, heroes and items. I'll so triggering and object editor, too of course! I need help because it takes much time doing it.

I hope you will help me. If you want, post a message here or add me to msn: [email protected]

The story line is quite simply:
A group of hero catched the god of the demons, but now they are really angry now! You have to survive from all the waves of demons (The number is not definite), waiting for someone that can bring you home.
You lose if the cage dead.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
This story isn't in amazing English.

A group of heroes have been caught by the tyranical Demon God, but in their anger, they must fight to survive! They now must fight through wave after wave of demons, waiting for a chance to return home. However, if the cage is destroyed, they will perish.

I would love to help, I will send you a hero idea over private chat.
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
This story isn't in amazing English.

A group of heroes have been caught by the tyranical Demon God, but in their anger, they must fight to survive! They now must fight through wave after wave of demons, waiting for a chance to return home. However, if the cage is destroyed, they will perish.

I would love to help, I will send you a hero idea over private chat.

ok man, but the idea isn't as you said... I mean THEY catched the god, and the demons want to free HIM.
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
You were no where near clear with the bad english. You seemed to jump from one tense to the other and use too many pronouns instead of proper names.

A brave group of heroes caught the evil Demon God, but his manical minions are trying to free their master! The heroes must survive the onslaught to keep the Demon God captive, waiting for their chance to return home. If the Demon God is freed from his cage, they will perish.
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
You were no where near clear with the bad english. You seemed to jump from one tense to the other and use too many pronouns instead of proper names.

A brave group of heroes caught the evil Demon God, but his manical minions are trying to free their master! The heroes must survive the onslaught to keep the Demon God captive, waiting for their chance to return home. If the Demon God is freed from his cage, they will perish.

Thank you a lot! I know my english is bad, and it annoys me. Anyway thanks you, +rep.
Also I saw that you sent some hero/spells ideas, it is usefull, but I need help DOING the map, anyway thank you.
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