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Nestharus' Music Thread : D

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most of these songs are just unfinished songs ;o


  • Keeper of the Shard.mp3
    417.2 KB · Views: 90
  • Intro.mp3
    530.4 KB · Views: 106
  • Descent of Abdaius.mp3
    1.6 MB · Views: 71
  • Dark Light.mp3
    1.8 MB · Views: 125
  • Time.mp3
    1.5 MB · Views: 173
  • The Shadowed Lands.mp3
    1.3 MB · Views: 88
  • Musical of Beowulf.mp3
    1.1 MB · Views: 54
  • Fugure in C Minor.mp3
    982.4 KB · Views: 70
  • A Song.mp3
    3.2 MB · Views: 166
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Level 5
Aug 27, 2007
Not bad, but to be honest it sounds like it's mostly played by a single-tone softsynth like the one provided in Finale notepad.

I would suggest a little more variation in dynamics, tempo, and rhythm, with emphasis on the dynamics.

Can I ask what you used to produce this?
Oh, I'm still working on it : ).

I would suggest a little more variation in dynamics, tempo, and rhythm, with emphasis on the dynamics.

Already worked on dynamics =). Believe me, I know how to work my own song : P.

Can I ask what you used to produce this?

I'll probably be posting a new version up soon, but I'm using Finale 2009 (VST)

Sound quality wise, that's the best I can do : \, but song quality wise it needs a lot of work in my opinion.

Not bad, but to be honest it sounds like it's mostly played by a single-tone softsynth like the one provided in Finale notepad.

To be honest, the song still sounds like absolute garbage to me. There are so many mistakes =). As for the softsynth, that's not true at all. It's the Steinway from garritan.com ><.

Oh, and right now i have Finale human playback running, but at this point I'm fighting with it, so I'll probably just make it standard and put in all the dynamic and pedal markings by hand : |.
Level 5
Aug 27, 2007
Holy crap, the Garritan Steinway? I'd be almost willing to buy the whole PO library to get that sound. :p

Anyway... meh. I don't know very much about Finale other than my little dabblings with Notepad back in prehistory. Never used the built-in DAW. : / If you have a velocity envelope or can input notes with a MIDI controller it would probably sound eight billion times better, but I'm not sure what all Finale can do (I know it can do individual velocity, but that's a pain and impossible to config to follow the music... at least on piano where you have like 4294967296 notes).
Actually there is a human playback mode.. that's what I've been using and I've been fighting with it =O. None of the playback modes play it back right (too soft, too loud, etc).

I put in soft and it goes like quad soft :eek:. I put in a crescendo and it slowly goes up halfway and then suddenly plays at the right volume. It's getting frustrating ^_^. However, it does do slurs very well... too bad the dynamics fail : o.
Level 5
Aug 27, 2007
I have no idea what a human playback mode is. o_O Or what a playback mode is at all, ahhhhhhhh. All the dynamics I've done before work with velocity and envelopes, but that may be something exclusive to studios... /shrug

Which sucks, because I wouldn't be able to live without envelopes. ;( Can't really give any advice with Finale.
Well, I'm still working at the dynamism of the piece =). I keep overdoing it and dramatizing the sounds : O. It gives it a fake feeling and ruins the whole piece : \. Was better without the dynamics I added in, but it could be great with the proper sound levels, crescendos, diminuendos, etc =).

Also the ending like always still needs work. The slow down is way too long and it gets way too slow > <. Probably better without a slow down =).
Uploaded a few unfinished songs from the past couple of years ; ).

I remember composing The Shadowed Lands. I kept trying to make a very unique style that didn't use the stupid layer by layer effect that so many people do. Every time i heard that it always put me in a bad mood.

Well, I decided to do it myself. I wrote the song in a couple of hours very quickly, was upset at how decent it sounded, and went on.

Now, there are some songs where my goal was doing as many instruments as possible. If I manage to find one of those, I'll put it up ; ).

Fugue in C Minor was my attempt to beat Fugue in G Minor by Bach, lol.

The Musical of Beowulf was a song I wrote as fast as I could during one night for an assignment a few years back. It actually turned out decent considering how fast I wrote it.

For Intro.mp3, I have no idea why it says Robert Salinas nor do I know who that is. That's actually my song, not his ; P, lol. Was my attempt at doing a song that fit more in conformity with what people generally did, which turned out well.

Descent of Abdaius was my attempt at making the most ludicrously note heavy song piano song I could possibly do : ).

bleh was so named bleh because I spent a week trying to mix all the dynamics of each note perfectly and the sound quality of the instrument just wasn't good enough -.-. I spent a very long time trying to perfect that song and to me it still isn't at all as good as it could be.

I just moved from Finale 2009 to Sibelius Pro : ). Planning to get East West Custom Composers Collection (just upgrading some of stuff in reg collection) for around $1,400.00. At that point I will finally be able to compose music that has good enough sound quality to not drive me absolutely crazy : D.
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Sounds nice so far

For Intro.mp3, I have no idea why it says Robert Salinas nor do I know who that is. That's actually my song, not his ; P, lol. Was my attempt at doing a song that fit more in conformity with what people generally did, which turned out well.

Don't sell your musical style for conformity - if you say your music sounds like what others do, then there's no point in listening to you no?

-You should finish The Shadowed Lands, out of all the song's I've listened to here It's my favorite.

-Just a suggestion, you should try writing at least one piece where the piano isn't the main instrument, try maybe giving it to some strings or even something a bit more foreign like a Kalimba.

Just listened to dark light and OMG around 26 seconds is an incredibly unmusical chord, the type that only some of the craziest metal bands dare use
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>Just a suggestion, you should try writing at least one piece where the piano isn't the main instrument, try maybe giving it to some strings or even something a bit more foreign like a Kalimba.

I have plenty of pieces where the main instrument isn't piano. I have pieces where there is no piano, lol.

>Just listened to dark light and OMG around 26 seconds is an incredibly unmusical chord, the type that only some of the craziest metal bands dare use

That's part of my own unique style. When I'm preparing for an intense transition, I use chords like that as I build it up. Listen to Descent of Abdaius for another example of some of those crazy chords ;p.

I personally like the intro mp3 a lot ; ).

As for piano, a lot of people find The Descent of Abdaius to be a very good piece for complexity and what not and a lot of people like the A Song melody : ).

I'll upload another clip that's my personal favorite ;p.

Dark Light 3
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