Nerubian Barracks

Barracks for nerubians, main model uses my Nerubian Birth Effect (you have to upload them both and don't change path of birht effect) and has custom death animation, complementary model uses undead birth & death animations.

EDIT1: added small wall and made model slightly bigger

EDIT2: well, I don't think I have to tell you what I've changed :D. Let's say that everything.

EDIT3: Added more hieroglyphs, improved walls wrap, added stairs and arch.

EDIT4: Fixed bug with birth animation

EDIT5: I added spiderlord statues

EDIT6: Fixed HP bar, improved texture, new death & birth animations.

barracks, spider, nerubians, training, pyramid, ancient, temple

Nerubian Barracks (Model)

Nerubian Barracks (Model)

12:53, 29th Oct 2015 Misha: HP bar too high changes made, resource approved :)




12:53, 29th Oct 2015
Misha: HP bar too high

changes made, resource approved :)




Good model!

But, the tiles of the floor are too high, maybe add a very little stone wall/border to cover their borders. Also, I know Nerubians are small spiders, but the entrance seem a bit TOO small or to say, too low. You could increase its height a bit.




Nice, good use of feedback. Tho, the tiles are still too high, you see ? You could slightly lower it so that the stairs are covering the tile borders
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
hmm, an nerubian mastaba (kind of)
could have an use as preplaced structure.

Hmm, nicer now. Maybe could get even more interesting if it got an frontyard carved out instead having an simple stone ramp.

Hmm, i think you can remove the rear 2 statues, elevate the front pair up, and maybe having one large obsidian sphinx statue head ornament atop the central building if you'd like. Guess you could use the tft beta obsidian avenger's head for that.

Another thing maybe worth note is that nerubians(or was it only Qiraji?) are shown in wow using hexagonal(or atleast non-square) gates and gateways.
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There is far too much stretching. You're trying to wrap a texture to an area with proportions that are too different from it. Rewrap it to a more appropriate portion of the texture.

You've also made efforts to improve this since the last time I'd seen it, which was probably when you uploaded it, and while these efforts are beneficial to this model, they aren't enough.

But any building model that at least functions properly and can be useful is in my opinion worth keeping on the site, and is something that I like.

But at its current state I can't give more than a 2/5. However, the file size is quite low, giving you plenty of room to increase the quality without making it excessive. If you improve this in the future and think you've made a big enough difference to change my rating, send me a message and I'll come back and update my review.