1) Well I wan't a trigger so when a player joins with name "CrackBam" or "Jacob22" or "DenisDedd" or "Playa55" or "Jakkem" or "Luis" or "Crackbon" will automatically get a unit. Well my map is like normal BNet, but the places are setted default and not random. So I wan't it when one of these names joins the player(s) with one of those names will earn a custom builder like Naga or Fel Orc's since they're helpers of the map please note that I don't wan't the place to be changed but stay the same as the place is depends the colour of player, only the builder and starting building.. Well if you make this trigger u have my rep and also anything else i can do for you sir/lady..
2) And a last thing Can you also make a command so when I type 'cameraonme all players (not only blue) locks their cameras on the current selected unit that red has?? Well to let you exactly understand i want the same exactly thing as here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/triggers-scripts-269/camera-me-need-help-210172/ the only diffrence I wan't (ALL) players to lock their cameras on me not only blue.
what i want is who ever spends attettion helping me to make a map with this trigger(s) so i copy it/them and paste it/them on my map, thank you for your attettion
2) And a last thing Can you also make a command so when I type 'cameraonme all players (not only blue) locks their cameras on the current selected unit that red has?? Well to let you exactly understand i want the same exactly thing as here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/triggers-scripts-269/camera-me-need-help-210172/ the only diffrence I wan't (ALL) players to lock their cameras on me not only blue.
what i want is who ever spends attettion helping me to make a map with this trigger(s) so i copy it/them and paste it/them on my map, thank you for your attettion