Need to know unit order type?

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Level 1
Feb 6, 2011
I am setting up some triggers, and I need it to recognize that a player is right clicking a ship with a unit selected to activate a trigger.

  • Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
  • (Issued order) Equal to (Order(move))
I figured it issued a move command, but it doesnt register at all. Patrol highlights when you right click, but patrol didn't work either.

I found these elsewhere:

Note: right-clicking on an area (not unit or building) also issues the move command.

Right-Clicking on an enemy unit is the same as selecting the Attack command and clicking on the unit. If, however, you miss the intended target and click on the ground rather instead, you will end up issuing a Move command.

So thats for right clicking an area or enemy unit. How do I tell if I right click a friendly owned or allied unit?
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
Right-click order is either "rally" of the Rally ability that units normally get when they are able to train units or "smart" that behaves as you have quoted.

The event response Target Unit Of Issued Order refers to the unit being interacted with on this event and Ordered Unit/Trigger Unit the unit that receives the order.
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