Yay, time for Mecheon to put his "valuable" advice
Note: Mecheon advice is very valuable, as Mecheon once did not know how to make models, and therefore knows the art of requesting
Firstly, your project is too damn big. Its so big infact, when I first saw it I thought you were having a joke, pulling fun at other people requesting things. Then it continued. So this either
A. A joke gone on far too long
B. The single most WORST optimistic campaign idea in the history of bad optimistic campaign ideas
Secondly, you've given us as much descriptions of what you want made as I have giant anti-aircraft guns. Which is none
Thirdly, you're asking for too much
Forthly, your typing sucks. Please try to use capital letters and not use shorthand crap like "plz", "k", "2" and "u"
Take this advice to heart =)