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Need help with my map

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Level 8
Dec 30, 2013
So, i almost finished my project, saved it, even overwrote my backup with this save (I had 2 copies of this map) and i open this map the next day, and what do you know, the map doesnt open. No, i didnt protect it with any program or anything. I can still play the map but I cant open it with the editor, I'm not getting any error just worldedit.exe stops working during loading triggers. I have a previous version of the map but its very old so i heres hoping that i dont need to re-do a lot of work.

Thanks for any help
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
What world editor do you use?
And, I dont really assume that it will work, but can you also send the map located in "Warcraft III\Maps\Test\WorldEditTestMap.w3x"?

One of your GUI triggers is invalid according to the world editor.
I dont know what has caused it and neither do I know how I can edit a GUI trigger without the world editor.
Level 8
Dec 30, 2013
the map located in "Warcraft III\Maps\Test\WorldEditTestMap.w3x" isn't this map because it wasn't the last one being tested by me. Oh well, I guess the projects dead. Anyway, thanks for the help guys.
Level 12
May 22, 2015
In hindsight, it is better to keep all your backups, just in case. What I do is occasionally email myself my map. That way, I can pull it from any computer as long as I have internet (and the internet and gmail are not dead). This protects me from when I mess up really bad (or get unlucky with a freeze or power outage or something) and also even if my computer dies (which has happened before - don't think I was working on my map at the time, but I still had the map in my email account). I even went back and played the earliest, playable version of my map. It was kind of fun lol
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
However, how do you remove the trigger?
I read through the .j file which shows the compiled triggers (doesnt help changing that part) and it doesnt look like vlekje is waiting to re-create those triggers.

Where the real GUI triggers are stored... I really have no idea, but it isnt helping to open them with any of my settings in Notepad++.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The World Edit trigger files are invalid. The map loads once the trigger files are substituted with valid ones.

I would advise restoring the trigger files from a backup version where they still are valid. Since I do not have a backup version I used a blank map. If you can restore them from a backup version it would save you a lot of time remaking all the triggers.

All other data appears to be intact from what I can tell.

Someone with knowledge of the World Edit trigger file formats might be able to salvage at least some of the triggers from the files. However it would still be faster to restore them to your last working backup where the triggers were still valid.

The World Edit trigger files are...

The "war3map.wts" might share with other components.


  • tyci - Reign of the Scourge 1.5 - No Trigs.w3x
    7 MB · Views: 66

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Note that the JASS versions of the triggers are saved under the .j file (which is all triggers together) which means that there is something that could help you to make it again.
At least if you understand it.
That is the map script. The other trigger files are for World Editor only and are equivalently trigger source files (WC3 cannot run them). When you save they get built into the map script which WC3 can run.

One can always do the "deprotected map" style work around and simply dump the map script into a vJASS custom script trigger and delete map configuration functions. vJASS is needed for the global declarations.
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