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- Feb 7, 2005
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first of all I'd like to say that this is not my design, creation or whatever else you'd like to call it, however it seems to work perfectly in the map I'm designing except for one litte line "call MoveUnitToPolarProjection(GetEnumUnit(), 55.00+udg_Player_Missle[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEnumUnit()))]*15, GetUnitFacing(GetEnumUnit()) )"
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to fix it, it says "expected name" whenever I try to test what I want to know is if there's anything in that line that doesn't make sense to someone who can write this stuff, and what I could possibly do to at least attempt to make it work properly, also if you have an idea you could PM me or e-mail me at [email protected] I'll also send the map if you need to take a look at it. anyways, here's the rest of the script:
function Trig_Move_Func001Func003001002 takes nothing returns boolean
return ( IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(GetEnumUnit())) == true )
function Trig_Move_Func001Func003A takes nothing returns nothing
if ( GetUnitFlyHeight(GetEnumUnit()) <= ( GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_PickedUnit) + 100.00 ) ) then
if ( GetUnitFlyHeight(GetEnumUnit()) >= ( GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_PickedUnit) - 10.00 ) ) then
call UnitDamageTargetBJ( udg_PickedUnit, GetEnumUnit(), 500, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL )
call ExplodeUnitBJ( udg_PickedUnit )
function Trig_Move_Func001A takes nothing returns nothing
local location TempPoint
local rect TempRect
local group TempGroup
local conditionfunc TempCondition
call MoveUnitToPolarProjection(GetEnumUnit(), 55.00+udg_Player_Missle[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEnumUnit()))]*15, GetUnitFacing(GetEnumUnit()) )
set udg_PickedUnit = GetEnumUnit()
set TempPoint= GetUnitLoc(GetEnumUnit())
set TempRect = RectFromCenterSizeBJ(TempPoint, 175.00, 175.00)
set TempCondition = Condition(function Trig_Move_Func001Func003001002)
set TempGroup = GetUnitsInRectMatching(TempRect,TempCondition )
call ForGroupBJ( TempGroup, function Trig_Move_Func001Func003A )
call RemoveRect(TempRect)
call RemoveLocation(TempPoint)
call DestroyGroup(TempGroup)
call DestroyCondition(TempCondition)
set TempGroup=null
set TempPoint = null
set TempRect = null
set TempCondition = null
function Trig_Move_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call ForGroupBJ( udg_Missles, function Trig_Move_Func001A )
function InitTrig_Move takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Move = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( gg_trg_Move, 0.05 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Move, function Trig_Move_Actions )
I have no idea what I'm supposed to do to fix it, it says "expected name" whenever I try to test what I want to know is if there's anything in that line that doesn't make sense to someone who can write this stuff, and what I could possibly do to at least attempt to make it work properly, also if you have an idea you could PM me or e-mail me at [email protected] I'll also send the map if you need to take a look at it. anyways, here's the rest of the script:
function Trig_Move_Func001Func003001002 takes nothing returns boolean
return ( IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(GetEnumUnit())) == true )
function Trig_Move_Func001Func003A takes nothing returns nothing
if ( GetUnitFlyHeight(GetEnumUnit()) <= ( GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_PickedUnit) + 100.00 ) ) then
if ( GetUnitFlyHeight(GetEnumUnit()) >= ( GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_PickedUnit) - 10.00 ) ) then
call UnitDamageTargetBJ( udg_PickedUnit, GetEnumUnit(), 500, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL )
call ExplodeUnitBJ( udg_PickedUnit )
function Trig_Move_Func001A takes nothing returns nothing
local location TempPoint
local rect TempRect
local group TempGroup
local conditionfunc TempCondition
call MoveUnitToPolarProjection(GetEnumUnit(), 55.00+udg_Player_Missle[GetConvertedPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetEnumUnit()))]*15, GetUnitFacing(GetEnumUnit()) )
set udg_PickedUnit = GetEnumUnit()
set TempPoint= GetUnitLoc(GetEnumUnit())
set TempRect = RectFromCenterSizeBJ(TempPoint, 175.00, 175.00)
set TempCondition = Condition(function Trig_Move_Func001Func003001002)
set TempGroup = GetUnitsInRectMatching(TempRect,TempCondition )
call ForGroupBJ( TempGroup, function Trig_Move_Func001Func003A )
call RemoveRect(TempRect)
call RemoveLocation(TempPoint)
call DestroyGroup(TempGroup)
call DestroyCondition(TempCondition)
set TempGroup=null
set TempPoint = null
set TempRect = null
set TempCondition = null
function Trig_Move_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call ForGroupBJ( udg_Missles, function Trig_Move_Func001A )
function InitTrig_Move takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Move = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( gg_trg_Move, 0.05 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Move, function Trig_Move_Actions )