Hi, i'm really new to posting on this site so i hope i post right
I'm making a map with a dwarf race and i'm almost finished, i'm lacking spellcasters though.
So i thought a Dwarf Runebearer that buffs friendlies with runes would be cool.
I don't know how much information i need to post but my idea of the Runebearer is a normal bulky dwarf with medium to heavy armor, some blue glowing runes etched in his armor, a one-hand stone hammer of some kind in his right hand also with runes , his armor should mostly cover lower part of his body and no shoulders.
Please give reply if this model is model-able so to say tell me if you need more details.
If sombody wants to make this model i would be grateful and will ofcourse give loads of credit in loading screen and in the unit description.
I'm making a map with a dwarf race and i'm almost finished, i'm lacking spellcasters though.
So i thought a Dwarf Runebearer that buffs friendlies with runes would be cool.
I don't know how much information i need to post but my idea of the Runebearer is a normal bulky dwarf with medium to heavy armor, some blue glowing runes etched in his armor, a one-hand stone hammer of some kind in his right hand also with runes , his armor should mostly cover lower part of his body and no shoulders.
Please give reply if this model is model-able so to say tell me if you need more details.
If sombody wants to make this model i would be grateful and will ofcourse give loads of credit in loading screen and in the unit description.