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Need a new model.

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Level 1
Sep 2, 2011
Hello guys. I have a problem. Mybe you could solve it for me.
I am in need of a new model for 'default' Scarlet Crusade Paladin.
Idea for it camed most sudenly, while i played WoW and looted a helmet with red feathers.


That is how i imagined now the default paladin. The things that would be colored as a team color would be feathers on tp of the helmet, tabards signs, right shoulder inside (or left if you look at it) and aura.
Curently i didnt got any good mace or axe for idea, but i came along with this item look. Just simplify it in a way that it will have three coloured areas, and the middle one would be red.

You can make a full new model or just a skin on the base of a Human paladin.
I would really apreciate this very much, alongside would that also apreciate my scarlet crusaders map with which i am still messing around.
Thank you.
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