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Need a female villager model

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Level 4
Dec 4, 2007
I've been searching around and it has come to my attention that there are no unarmed female villager models that actually have attack animations...(Except 1 I found but the attachment points were screwed up)...So I am in desperate need of an unarmed female villager (should look sorta like the male but with longer hair and like..womanly figure). It needs to have an attack animation and have working attachment points...Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. Also +Rep to anyone who can get me a model.
Level 4
Dec 4, 2007
I didnt see it on the page? where is it? >.<

-Edit, nvm. Found it under male..lol Figured they were both male..never read =D

Anyways Thanks alot! Im gonna go test the model!

Ok...I think something is wrong because I attached a sword to "hand,left" and it appeared over her head...
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Level 4
Dec 4, 2007
It just stays above her head when she attacks...I guess I can't use the model then...
I still really need this model...If I dont have it I wont be able to move forward in my rpg because half of the rpg will involve this female character...If anyone can make or find a model for me..I will be very pleased!!!
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It just stays above her head when she attacks...I guess I can't use the model then...
I still really need this model...If I dont have it I wont be able to move forward in my rpg because half of the rpg will involve this female character...If anyone can make or find a model for me..I will be very pleased!!!

Nothing is lost. let me see the model and I might help you. And by the way, please, don't double post.
Level 4
Dec 4, 2007
Sorry bout the double post..but you can download the model from the links that Cavman gave. I've been kind of experimenting with modelling but I haven't really accomplished much so I can't fix it on my own...but hopefully you can help me fix this. It's a really good model.
Level 4
Dec 4, 2007
Well thats what im hoping Frank can fix...if not for the attachment points problem the model would be perfect..and since thats the only plausible villager female model i've seen, it would be of great use if it were fixed.
Level 4
Dec 4, 2007
Well im hoping Frank can fix them if not I'll post something in the uhh...uh...Modelling section I guess..because im pretty sure Attachment points are set when you are finishing creating the MDX after exporting from 3ds max or w/e program you use.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2005
Actually it's right before you create the MDX :p
In the MDL.

I'll do it if you can't get it.
It's not too hard haha.

Also the placement of your attachment will effect it.
For example, an attachment will be different on the hand bone if the handle is over the origin (0, 0, 0) than if it were say, to the right or something along those lines (100, 0, 0).
Level 4
Dec 4, 2007
Well theres the thing, I know what your talking about, I just dont know how to actually implement it..I mean I got 3ds max 9 and i've been fooling around with it and I made like...stick men using bone chains...But I can't texture/skin/animate them at all...I've also tried using Bipeds but I can't find a model to actually fit the biped into because A) I cant make them and B) dont know where to find them...But I did read a biped tutorial so if I could find a model without a bone structure I could probably insert the biped structure...

Also, I have no idea how to do the attachment points...I couldn't find any tutorials on it...So if you could I would greatly appreciate if you could do it and actually re-upload the model.
Level 9
Jul 20, 2005
Uploaded the new model, and all I did was lowercase all the ref points just to make sure that wasn't effecting it, so try your model with the following points BEFORE downloading this one. Be nice, save some bandwidth if possible.

Reason for that is because I recall reading that uppercase attachment points were bad. That may be completely false though.

Anyways, the points are:
hand left
hand right
left leg
right leg

If you have any problems, post here. The attachment points there can be copy and pasted because they are how they should be typed exactly.


  • VillagerFemaleAnim~Attach.mdx
    64.2 KB · Views: 67
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