Due to the fact my last model where instant-deleted because it was mostly a slight modified skin, i made this model Without custom textures to be sure it will not be rejected for the same reason.
so here it is, a Naga Seeress, heres a little list of the change:
Removed Head fin
Added Coral Helmet ( by using heavily tweaked coral shoulder pad from the sea elemental)
Added a Coral Mask, made using a tweaked version of the naga siren head with coral textures.
added a team colored cloth like scale sort of shirt stuff...can't find a word describing this.
changed weapon, i know its a bit messy, i just didn't find the correct ornament yet.
modified back fin
added camera portrait ( im just very bad at doing the same thing two time, so i was too lazy to remake the helmet and mask again...)
if they're is other change they're only minor tweak.
sorry if my English is bad, I'm from Quebec and even if I'm one of the best second language student of my class i alway found a way to say inexistent word...
hope you found a use for this, that you understood me well and that you will give me a bit of credit if you use this...
Naga, Seeress, Mask, caster