haha.. its people like this that make me want to make all the anime and ff models, screen shot them and post them everywhere... then just delete them forever so that noone can have them.
You know I think the reason these models aren't being made anymore is not because anime isn't popular among modelers, but because the kind of people who request them don't realise how much work is involved. There has been several times where I have wanted to make an anime character, just to read the request and be turned completely off it. There is no way I want to make a model knowing that the person requesting it isn't even going to put 1/10th of the time it takes to make it into their own map.
Models don't grow on trees... and modellers don't have mind reading software that just draws it up for them. The only magic you're gonna see is ingame, the rest is hard work. Go buy FF tactics and duke it out with your friends, it's the closest you'll get to making this map yo