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My first attempt at skinning

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Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Okey first of all I want to say that I diden't want to upload my very first texture (My icons do not count as textures because they're crap) because I thought you would tell it sux so bad I should never, ever, EVER run PS again. But I Pm'ed this to Hawkwing and he told me it was decent so I did upload it. It's a Beerden instead of a bearden :p (simple word: PUB).
At the moment I have only done the roof and the front wall. Don't laugh at me, comment suggestions and 'Not-to-rude Critics'.

Unwrap and texture in one picture.

Edit: did as Hawkwing and Operator requested and did some more wooden bars and the door.
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Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
I had assumed the bear mug was just the outline when he PM'd it to me. I belive it still is, :p. I still think it looks a bit too polished try adding some different shades of brown, preferably light straight strips across the pieces of wood. Keep it at a low opacity though.

okey il do so and the mug ... thats just a temporary lol.
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