My AI has freaked!?!

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Level 14
Oct 16, 2010
I made some Hero AI for my hero survival map, but i realised that the computers don't use the spells how i want them too all the time, its good but i'd just like to know why its gone so crazy. as even the opposing heroes and units now use spells which they didn't before, even though i haven't made any triggers to make them use the spells. This isn't really a problem i'd just like to know why they are being a bit strange as i'd like to use it in my other maps if i can. Thanks for any help :)
Level 14
Oct 16, 2010
The AI is done by triggers. I've made the conditions be if the unit to cast is controlled by a computer or equal to whatever hero that has the spell. But now, say Storm Bolt for an example, i made it so they fire at the attacking unit, but what has happened is that they fire at a unit which is attacking an allied hero. which makes no sense, yet is helpful. and all the heroes spells have different bases for eachother, other than an aura, and to all the opposing units. Its good, i just don't know how i did it :mad:
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
I think McKill2009 has hit the head of the nail - Depending on which spells you base custom spells off can depend on how an AI will use/apply it.
So if you base a spell off war-stomp, it'll be cast whenever a melee hero would cast war-stomp (even it no longer does anything like warstomp).
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