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Multiboard not showing?

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multiboard NORMALMB
multiboard array STATSMB

function Trig_GoblinEnterUpdate_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
    return IsPlayerAlly(GetTriggerPlayer(), Player(0))

function Trig_GoblinEnterUpdate_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
    local integer pi = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(u))
    local multiboarditem mbi
    local integer EXITWHEN = 0
    call ShowUnit(u, false)
    set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], 1, 1)
    call MultiboardSetItemValue(mbi, "Name")
    call MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbi, true, false)
    call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
    set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], 1, 2)
    call MultiboardSetItemValue(mbi, "Slot")
    call MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbi, true, false)
    call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
    set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], 1, 3)
    call MultiboardSetItemValue(mbi, "Damage")
    call MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbi, true, false)
    call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
    set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], 1, 4)
    call MultiboardSetItemValue(mbi, "Cooldown")
    call MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbi, true, false)
    call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
    set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], 1, 5)
    call MultiboardSetItemValue(mbi, "Range")
    call MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbi, true, false)
    call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
    //Item widths
        exitwhen EXITWHEN == 5
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], EXITWHEN, 1)
        call MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbi, .25)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], EXITWHEN, 2)
        call MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbi, .25)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], EXITWHEN, 3)
        call MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbi, .1)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], EXITWHEN, 4)
        call MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbi, .1)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set mbi = MultiboardGetItem(STATSMB[pi], EXITWHEN, 5)
        call MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbi, .1)
        call MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi)
        set EXITWHEN = EXITWHEN + 1
    if GetLocalPlayer() == GetOwningPlayer(u) then
        call MultiboardDisplay(NORMALMB, false)
        call MultiboardDisplay(STATSMB[pi], true)

function EnterUpdate_Init2 takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer LOOP = 0
        exitwhen LOOP == 11
        set LOOP = LOOP + 1
        set STATSMB[LOOP] = CreateMultiboard()
        call MultiboardSetColumnCount(STATSMB[LOOP], 6)
        call MultiboardSetRowCount(STATSMB[LOOP], 6)
        call MultiboardSetTitleText(STATSMB[LOOP], "Parts&stats") 

function InitTrig_GoblinEnterUpdate takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_GoblinEnterUpdate = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.01, false, function EnterUpdate_Init2)
    call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( gg_trg_GoblinEnterUpdate, gg_rct_HeroChange_goblins )
    //call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_GoblinEnterUpdate, Condition( function Trig_GoblinEnterUpdate_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_GoblinEnterUpdate, function Trig_GoblinEnterUpdate_Actions )

Basically i've been just playing around, and this isn't working, it's not even displaying the multiboard.

Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
You don't need to use a 0.01 timer, you can just use a 0.00 non-repeating timer.

You haven't really given any information other than the multiboard doesn't display. Have you tried putting debug messages in your code to narrow down where the problem is coming from? Try putting one inside the GetLocalPlayer() if-statement, and see if that is even being executed.
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