yes edit the mount hyppogriph ability or pick up archer ability of both units, its much more SIMPLEif there is a program that can let me mount units than can i have it or..can i have a tutorial on how to mount unmounted units on a wolf, horse or Fel Hound
change the required units to the needed onesone do i edit the hippogryph and archer mount ability?
then change the (resulting)unit tooi do that but when i do that it shows the two units coming towards each other but when they merge it just shows a hippogryph with an archer on
no it just takes 2 ability edits to do thatTo have a demon hunter on a fel stalker, or any unit on top of any unit would take ALOT of spells, and triggers. In my opinion, It would be a waste of over 9000!!! Triggers... Lol, but it would take forever.
your on your own with that model, ask someone to make it for youbut how can i make it that the demon hunter is on the fel stalker i didnt even make that model