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Morphing Spell Problem

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Level 2
Mar 17, 2006
I am trying to make morp on Domokun X-Fing model. I make five spell based on druid of the claw bear form ability fly,land,land(x-foil),x-foil and travel but when I test it the game crash when I press fly ability button (fly - morph x-wing base to x-wing travel, land - morph x-wing travel to x-wing base, land(x-foil) - morph x-wing x-foil to x-wing base, x-foil - morph x-wing travel to x-wing x-foil and travel morph x-wing xfoil to x-wing travel)
In x-wing base I make movement=none and required animation names=alternate, x-wing foil I make required animation names=alternate and in x-wing travel I don't add anything.
Please someone help me with this problem !
Level 2
Mar 17, 2006
Problem Up Date

I have finish with morph X-Wing travel and X-Wing X-Foil base on phoenix morphing, but I got annoying problem when I try to do the same with X-Wing base that will morph to X-Wing travel the game always crash. Please someone who know what is my mistake, please help me !
Thanks a lot !
Level 2
Aug 14, 2005
If you have made this five spells based on one than they use the same code...it is a real problem for you to make em work, try to add some other abilitie example: make your x-wing land abilitie to replace this unit (casting unit) with other unit that has fly animation on it...got the point...I hope you did.
Level 2
Aug 14, 2005
If you have made this five spells based on one than they use the same code...it is a real problem for you to make em work, try to add some other abilitie example: make your x-wing land abilitie to replace this unit (casting unit) with other unit that has fly animation on it (don't forget to set the attributes to new unit replaced with old ones)...got the point...I hope you did.
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